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生物医药技术服务合同(中英文) Bio Medical Technology Service Contract 工程名称:基于脂质分子的思普定30纳米颗粒制剂 project name: Lipid-based nanoparticle formulation of SIP30 签订时间: Signing time: 签订地点: Signing location: 托付方:中国某生物技术有限公司Consignor:bio-nanotechnology.,LTD 受托方:美国某药业科技有限公司 Consignee: Innovform Therapeutics,LLC 本合同双方就基于脂质分子的思普定30纳米颗粒制剂工程进展专项技术效劳,并支付相应的技术效劳酬劳。双方经过公平协商,在真实、充分地表达各自意愿的根底上,依据《中华人民共和国合同法》的规定,达成如下协议,并由双方共同遵守。 Bio-nanotechnology.,LTD entrusts Rutgers University to do experiment of Lipid-based nanoparticle formulation of SIP30 and pay Technical service remuneration. Two parts agree as follows according to the provisions of Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China, on the basis of fully express their will. 第一条技术效劳的内容 The content of the technical service: 基于脂质分子的思普定30纳米颗粒制剂 Lipid-based nanoparticle formulation of SIP30 其次条效劳范围和效劳时间、效劳条款、合同金额 Scope of services, Business Hours, Service Items and Contract Value. 1、受托方负责对附件一的效劳产品清单,按合同商定在效劳期间内完成技术效劳。Consignee shall, within the agreed service period hereof, be responsible for complete the technical services that exhibit in Appendix 1 2、受托方将根据合同附件一商定的效劳条款标准在合同商定期限内,供应合同所列的效劳。 Consignee shall, in accordance with service standard of the Appendix 1 of this contract and within the agreed contract period, provide the listed service. 3、合同附件一:效劳产品清单及效劳条款,是本合同不行分割的一局部。Appendix 1: Product list and service items shall be deemed as an integral part of this contract. 4、效劳合同总金额为¥___ 元,大写:人民币___元整,此价格为包括效劳费、差旅费、人工费、税费等项费用的最终价格。 The total amount of this service contract is ¥___ (RMB ___ only), this amount is all-in prince and shall include but not limited service fees, travel expenses, labor cost, taxes and other expenses. 第三条受托方应按以下要求完成技术效劳工作 complete technical services as required 1.技术效劳地点: Location of technical service: 2.技术效劳期限:8个月 Technical service period:8 months 为保证受托方有效进展技术效劳工作,托付方应当向受托方供应以下工作条件和协作事项 Consignor should offer some working conditions to assure RU could complete the job perfectly 1.供应技术资料; Provide technical information 2.供应工作条件; Pr


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