2022年冀教版《Unit 6 Go With Transportation !》课件.ppt

2022年冀教版《Unit 6 Go With Transportation !》课件.ppt

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Unit Review;Learning aims: 1. Know about the history of some transporters. 2. Learn about the development of the future transportation. Learning important points: 1. Giving Advice/Order. 2. Possibility and Impossibility. Learning difficult points: Modal Verbs;I.词汇;2. 认知词汇:transportation, rail, inventor, steam, engine, locomotive, explode, distance, iron, per, magnetic, jet, jet engine, presentation, North America, highway, afar, park, fuel, imagination, hoverboard, skateboard, float, transporter, spaceship, pedal, electricity;II. 词组和句型;III. Giving Advice/Order;V. Modal Verbs;Language Points 情态动词;一、表示推测 ( may / might , can / could, must, should, ought to );注意: 可以用might代替may,以表示说话语气更加不肯定; may,那么表示请求许可,意为 “可以〞. May I use your cell phone ? ;注意: 1) 可以用could代替can, 以表示语气婉转;;3) can 可以用于肯定陈述句, 表示一时的情况, 意为“有时候会…〞; Our house is on the top of the hill, and in winter the winds can be pretty cold. 4) may not / might not意为 “可能不〞, 而can not / could not意为 “不可能〞 、 “肯定不〞, 其语气要比may not / might not强得多.;3. must “肯定〞、 “准是〞;2) must表示推测不用于疑问句,因为must在疑问句中只能表示 “必须〞 或表示反感 “(干吗)偏要…〞 “硬要〞 ; Must I finish it by the end of this week? Why must you ask me so many questions when I’m busy cooking? 3) must表示推测不用于将来.应该用别的句型表示推测 “肯定会…〞 、 “准会…〞. You’re sure to succeed. / It is certain that you will succeed./ I’m sure that you’ll succeed.; 4. should , ought to “照说应当〞, “想比一定〞, “按理应该〞 ;二. 表示必要性,、职责、劝告、建议等 (need, must, should, ought to ) ;注意: 1) need作情态动词, 不能用于肯定陈述句, 在陈述句中,应该用need的实义动词表达. You need to be here before 9 o’clock. (不能说: You need be here before 9 o’clock.) 2) 答复Must/Need开头的问句, 不能说:Yes, you need./No, you mustn’t. 3) 表示 “必须〞时, must 是说话者的主观看法,是积极态度.have to 那么是客观需要,是消极态度。;2. 表示建议、劝告. shall, should , ought to , must;三. 请求对方做某事;四. 表示允许或征询对方许可;can (过去式could ) / 比较 be able to泛指能力(具有知识、技巧、本领而能读书、游泳、说英语、踢足球等) ; 2. 如果指过去具体某时或某个场合能(设法)做到某事(succeeded in doing sth. / managed to do sth.),在否认句中两者都可用, 在肯定陈述句和疑问句中,只能用be able to. We had a holiday ye


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