Unit 2 She looks cute(公开课)精品课件 Lesson 9 2.ppt

Unit 2 She looks cute(公开课)精品课件 Lesson 9 2.ppt

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Unit 1 She looks cute Lesson 9;practice ;practice ;practice ;He is my new friend ;She is my sister ;cute;_____ ;Mum, this is my new friend, Dick. Hi, Jim. How old are you? I’m ten.;Look! This is my sister. Oh, she’s cute!; Homework ;Thank you!;提示:点击 进入习题;一、根据图片或中文提示完成句子。 1. —________I ________you? —Yes. I want a ________ ________. 2. —Whats this in English? —Its a ______ ______. ;3. —Do you want a ______ ______? —Yes, I do. 4. —Is it a ______ ______? —Yes, it is. 5. I ______ (想要) to sing and dance for all the students.;二、按要求完成句子。 1. Can I help you? (回答问题) ______. I ______ a toy boat.;2. Its fifty--six yuan. (对画线部分提问) 【三步变换法】 ______ ______ is it?;3. I like the blue one. (对画线部分提问) ______ ______ do you like? 4. toy, can, have, I, a, ship (? )(连词成句) ________________________________;三、选择适当的选项补全对话。 Saleswoman: Can I help you? Dick : 1. ____________ Saleswoman: Which one do you like? Dick : 2. ____________ Saleswoman: OK. Here you are.; Dick : 3. ____________ Saleswoman: Its fifty--six yuan. Dick : 4. ____________ Saleswoman: Here you are.;四、阅读下面短文并判断正(T)误(F)。 Peter likes toys. Today is his birthday. His mother takes him to the shop to buy a gift for him. Now Peter and his mother are in a big toy shop. There are trains, planes, ships, boats and so on. Peter likes toy planes very much. ;He wants to buy one. The saleswoman shows a green one to him. But he doesnt like the colour. He chooses a blue one. Its fifty yuan. It looks cool. Peter is very happy today. (  )1. Peter doesnt like toys at all. (  )2. Peter and his father are in a toy shop. ;;;五、核心素养练   请同学们从给出的图片中选择你喜欢的文具和玩具, 但要考虑只有50元钱这个条件, 经过仔细考虑后, 将短文补充完整。;



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