《英语导游听说教程》教学课件—15 Touring Guangdong .pptVIP

《英语导游听说教程》教学课件—15 Touring Guangdong .ppt

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Dan Xia Mountain Still, the main attraction here is the famous-Dan Xia Mountain, known as the red stone park in China. It is a one hour’s drive from Shaoguan city in the north-eastern suburbs. The red rocks and red cliffs of strange shapes and sizes seem to be the work of the skilled sculptor. It’s hard to imagine that they actually come from mysterious hand of Nature. The Dan Xia Mountains are particularly famous because of the red color of the rocks. And you see, even from the two characters-Dan Xia, you can get that hint: Dan literally means dark red and Xia means brightening of the clouds. So off the distance, you can see the striking resembling. The mountains look like clouds floating in the air. The Dan Xia Mountains’ red trace to the sand stone has given rise to the name: Dan Xia Landform. In fact, there are over one thousand places in the world with Dan Xia Landform. But Dan Xia Mountain is the largest and most characteristic of them. The layers and layers of red under the rise of sunlight particular exaggerate its unique structure and beauty. You need to explore the mountain for at least two days. And on my first day, I couldn’t wait to get on a boat and get a complete view. And this boat will take you to all the right places. Video transcript Dan Xia Mountain Can you guess what that is? Well, I think that you’re thinking exactly what I’m thinking. You see, because of the natural shape of this rock, people have called it: the male rock and may mean symbol that of this. You see male means Yang in Chinese, a part of yin and yang. Yang is male and yin is female. And as with everything else of Nature, there’s a balance in everything. There’s yin and yang, male and female. There’s hardest and softness. And there’s also big and small. This is an example. The Mountain’s real claim to fame is this rare geological formation. And the shape really does for example a male sex organ. Although, many mountains have the shape what you need is the corresponding female


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