2022年冀教版《Lesson32 Trains Go Faster !》课件 (2).pptVIP

2022年冀教版《Lesson32 Trains Go Faster !》课件 (2).ppt

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Lesson 32: Learning aims: 1. Know about the train history. 2. What will the future train be like? Learning important and difficult points: 1. The invention of the steam engine, the first steam locomotive, railways and the first passenger. 2. Who invented the inventions and when did they invent them. steam n 蒸汽 engine n. 发动机;引擎 born v. 出生;诞生;产生 passenger n. 乘客 railway n. 铁路 most adj. 大多数的;最多的 adv. 最大量;最多数 New Words station n. 站;所;车站 easily adv. 容易地 standard n. 标准;规格 speed n. 速度 per prep. 每,每一 steam engine Think About It ! ◆How do you usually travel to other cities? ◆ Talk about your first time taking a train. Language Points (1) invent作动词,意为“创造〞,指创造以前没有的东西。如: invent; inventor; invention 辨析 Who invented the computer? 谁创造了电脑? (2) inventor表示人,作名词,意为“创造家;创造者〞。 如: (3) invention作名词,意为“创造〞。它也是由invent转变而来的,在它的后面加上-ion转变成名词。如: Thomas Edison was an inventor. 托马斯·爱迪生是一位创造家。 Telephone is a great invention. 是一项重大创造。 2. In the 1760s, a scientist in England found a way to put steam engines and wheels together. 在18世纪60年代,在英国的一位科学家创造 了把蒸汽机和轮子结合在一起的方法。 〔1〕 in the 1760s 意为“在18世纪60年代〞。 in the 1760s = in the 1760s, “in the + 年代的复数或所有格〞意为 “在……世纪……年代〞。如: He was born in the 1930s. 他出生在20世纪30年代。 〔2〕 a way to do sth. 意为“做某事的方法〞,也可以用a way of doing sth.来表示。如: 〔3〕 put ... together 意为“把……放在一起〞。如: Do you know the best way to learn English? = Do you know the best way of learning English? 你知道学习英语的最好方法吗? You cant put salt and sugar together. 你不能把盐和糖放在一起。 Exercises 1. The car has four ______ (车轮). 2. He often drives at a top s______ on his way home. 3. They have rented(租赁) this house for 2,000 yuan p______ year. 4. This bus is crowded with _________ (乘客) on such a snowy morning. 5. The ______ (发动机) cant start. There is something wrong with it. I. 根据汉语或首字母提示,完成以下句子。 engine wheels peed er passengers 1. He was one of the greatest ________ (invent) in the world. 2. Do you know when Henry Fords factory _______ (open)? 3. The movie


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