Unit3 reading1 默写讲义九年级英语上册.docxVIP

Unit3 reading1 默写讲义九年级英语上册.docx

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PAGE 1I try, I insist, I succeed. 我努力,我坚持,我成功 PAGE 1 9A Unit3 Period 2 reading1 单词默写 除…外;只有 prep. ________________ 熬夜 ________________ 醒着 adj. ________________ 几乎不 adv. ________________ 想象,设想 vt. & vi. _________ 怀疑 vt. ________________ 值得;值…钱 adj. ____________ 值得(做) ________________ 词组默写 1.对……着了迷__________________ 2.处理_____________________________ 3.把……交上去__________________ 4.准时_____________________________ 5.待在外面很晚__________________ 6.认真规划好你的一天_______________ 7.对我要求严格__________________ 8.允许我在外面玩___________________ 9.收到她的来信__________________ 10.给我提供一些建议________________ 11.列出所有家庭作业的清单_______ 12.熬夜____________________________ 词性变化。 1. Thanks to the teacher, I have made great_____________(进步) 2. The editor ____________ (回复) to his readers’ letters every day.. 3. My brother likes reading very much. We all call him a ____________ (书虫). 4. There was nothing but ____________(安静) in the room. 5. It’s ___________ (health) for us to watch too much TV. 6. The old lives __________ (lonely) in the ____________(lonely) house. 7. The bad news almost ___________ (drive) him mad yesterday. 8. He always gets full _________ (mark) in exams. 选择题。 1. You can't change who you are by reading a book or change the way you act by watching a video. What _______is what you do, not what you know. A.includes B.decides C.means D.matters 2.Our parents are strict______us,especially________our study. A.with;with B.with;in C.in;with D.in;in 3.The boy promised________late for school again. A.to not be B.not to be C.not being D.being not 4.-What do you think of this film? -Wonderful.I think it's _______than the other films about youth in recent years. A.the best B.the worst C.much better D.much worse 5. _______, the Internet was only used by the government. But now it's widely used in every field. A.As usual B.At first C.After all D.So far 6.Can you tell me_____you’ve done with your o



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