英文诗歌经典 最经典的英文诗歌欣赏.docxVIP

英文诗歌经典 最经典的英文诗歌欣赏.docx

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英文诗歌经典 最经典的英文诗歌欣赏 It Is Not Always May 人生不总是阳光明媚 by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow The sun is bright, - the air is clear, The darting swallows soar and sing. And from the stately elms I hear The bluebird prophesying Spring. So blue you winding river flows, It seems an outlet from the sky, Where waiting till the west-wind blows, The freighted clouds at anchor lie. All things are new; - the buds, the leaves, That gild the elm-trees nodding crest, And even the nest beneath the eaves; There are no birds in last years nest! All things rejoice in youth and love, The fullness of their first delight! And learn from the soft heavens above The melting tenderness of night. Maiden, that readst this simple rhyme, Enjoy thy youth, it will not stay; Enjoy the fragrance of thy prime, For oh, it is not always May! Enjoy the Spring of Love and Youth, To some good angel leave the rest; For Time will teach thee soon the truth, There are no birds in last years nest! 阳光明媚,空气清新, 轻捷的燕子在飞来飞去地啼叫, 从那参天榆木的繁茂枝叶中, 我听到了知更鸟在预报春天的来到。 远处蜿蜒流淌的河流那么的湛蓝, 就像这河水原是从天上泻来, 望天上,在冬天的西风吹来之前, 载着水珠的云彩总在静静地休憩。 万象在更新;新顶出的嫩芽,嫩叶 把榆树摇曳的枝梢着上一层金黄, 就是屋檐下的鸟巢也是新筑的;— 去年的旧巢里已经不再有鸟儿歌唱! 自然万物都沉浸在青春和爱的欢乐之中, 这是生机盎然的新到来的欢乐! 他们白天享有明朗和暖的天空 晚上又沐浴着温馨柔和的夜色。 姑娘,当你读到这朴素的诗行, 你当尽享你的青春,因为它不会停留; 你要尽享你美丽年华的芬芳, 噢!因为人生不可能总是阳光明媚! 享受这洋溢着青春和爱的春天, 把其余的留给好心的天使照顾; 因为时间很快就会让你懂得这条格言, 去年的旧巢里已不再有鸟儿眷顾。 The Pride of Youth by Walter Scott Proud Maisie is in the wood, Walking so early; Sweet Robin sits on the bush, Singing so rarely. tell me ,thou bonny bird, when shall I marry ye? --when six braw gentlemen kirkward shall carry ye. who makes the bridal bed, birdie, say truly? The gray-headed sexton That delves the grave duly. The glowworm oer grave and stone Shall light thee steady; The owl from the


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