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传统物流企业向现代物流企业的转型研究 ———————————————————————————————— 作者: ———————————————————————————————— 日期: 内 容 摘 要 近几年,中国经济快速开展,而物流贯穿经济开展的整个命脉,但是我国物流企业的开展还处于初级阶段,如果长此以往,必将阻碍经济的开展,所以进展传统物流企业向现代物流企业的转型非常有必要。 本文分析了国内外物流开展的现状,使中国物流企业能够在知己知彼的根底上进展根本的改变。并且对我国物流企业的性质、类型和现代物流企业的概念进展了阐述,了解了传统物流企业向现代物流企业转型的可行性和必然性。我国传统的运输和仓储物流企业要实现转型,必须首先在观念、市场定位、信息化改革、标准化建立上进展改变,但是仅仅在这几方面变革是远远不够的,还需要引入新型的管理模式,注重人力资源管理,将客户关系管理作为企业的战略目标,从而扩大企业规模,建立标准化的运营模式,拥有自己的品牌,从而带动中国经济开展。 关键词:传统物流、现代物流、转型、物流管理、信息技术 ABSTRACT In recent years, As Chinas rapid development of economic, meanwhile the logistics is throughout the entire lifeline of economic development, the development of logistics enterprises in China is at an early stage. If this state is unchanged all the way, it will impede economic development, so it is necessary for the transition from the traditional logistics enterprises to modern logistics enterprises. This paper analyzes the domestic and international logistics development status. On the basis of the understanding of that the Chinese logistics enterprises begin to change. And the nature and type of logistics enterprises in China and concept of modern logistics enterprises were set to, learning the feasibility and necessity of transformation from traditional logistics enterprises to modern logistics. If Chinas traditional transport and warehousing logistics want to achieve the transformation, the concept, market orientation, reforming of information technology and standardized building should be changed first. On the other hand changes only in these areas are not enough, also need to introduce new management mode, such as the importance of human resource management, customer relationship management, which is treated as a strategic goal to expand the scale of enterprises. Then an establishment of a standardized business model with its own brand will be reached, thereby stimulating economic development in China. KEYWORDS:Traditional logistics, Modern logistics, Transformation logistics management, In


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