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攀枝花学院本科毕业设计(论文) 金川镇龙湾 \t http://xue.mmddf.top:8080/kns/brief/_blank 康养小镇建设中政府职能履行及其对策研究 学生姓名: 学生学号: 院(系): 年级专业: 指导教师: 教授 助理指导教师: 讲师 二〇〇X年六月 攀枝花学院本科毕业设计(论文) 目录 1 摘 要 中国己于1999年迈入老龄化社会,直面未富先老的挑战。与此同时,社会亚健康人群越来越多,社会康养需求急速膨胀。建设康养小镇兼顾经济发展、城乡融合、民生改善和生态保护。金川镇龙湾具有建设康养小镇的资源优势,在“健康中国”战略、乡村振兴战略、丝绸之路经济带核心区建设和特色小镇建设热潮的大背景下,金川镇龙湾如何乘势而上,发挥好政府职能作用,高质量推进康养小镇建设值得研究。 本文基于康养小镇特征,探讨政府参与康养小镇建设的必要性,并在归纳相关政策文件中政府职能表述的基础上,采用服务型政府理论和新公共管理理论,分析界定康养小镇建设中的政府职能。本文认为,政府在康养小镇建设中应发挥产业引导、规划引领、公共服务和法治保障四大职能作用。。 关键词 政府职能履行;公共管理;康养小镇 ABSTRACT China has entered an aging society in 1999, facing the challenge of getting old before getting rich. At the same time, there are more and more sub-health people in society, and the demand for social health is expanding rapidly. Build a healthy town, taking into account economic development, urban-rural integration, peoples livelihood improvement and ecological protection. Longwan of Jinchuan town has the resource advantage of building a healthy town. Under the background of the healthy China strategy, the Rural Revitalization Strategy, the construction of the core area of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the construction boom of characteristic towns, it is worth studying how Longwan of Jinchuan town can take advantage of the trend, give full play to the role of government functions and promote the construction of a healthy town with high quality. Based on the characteristics of Kangyang Town, this paper discusses the necessity of government participation in the construction of Kangyang town. On the basis of summarizing the expression of government functions in relevant policy documents, this paper analyzes and defines the government functions in the construction of Kangyang town by using service-oriented government theory and new public management theory. This paper holds that the government should



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