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文档 文档 范文 1:求职信 Applying for the Position of Assistant for Marketing Project Manager Directions: You are a senior of English for Business. A German company in China is recruiting an assistant to marketing project manager, which requires a good command of English and knowledge in German especially. Write a letter of about 100 words applying for the position, introducing yourself and asking for an interview. You needn t write the address. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter, using “ Wang Lin ” instead. Dear Sirs, I am graduating from the Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade this summer. As a student of English for Business, I hope to work for a foreign company after graduation. In the past three academic years, I have proved myself to be a straight student, awarded a succession of scholarships. My English is particularly good and German happens to be my second foreign language, which will live up to the requirements set by a wholly foreign-owned enterprise like yours. I apply for the position of assistant to your marketing project manager. You will find me a good team player, self-motivated and eager to learn. I believe I can be of value to your company. Enclosed please find my resume. I should be very happy if you would arrange an interview with me. Yours sincerely, Your advertisement in...caught my attention. 贵方刊登在上的广告吸引了我的注意。 贵方刊登在 上的广告吸引了我的注意。 I am particularly interested in... 我对……十分感兴趣。 PleaSe Con Sider me for... 请考虑我做 I am SUre to be as SUCCeSSfUI in ...as I am in my college en deavors. 由于我在大学期间的努力,我确信能够成功地做 …… It would be highly appreciated if you could... 如果你能……我将万分感谢。 范文2:求学信 Dear PrOfeSSOr Smith, I am Writing to apply for admission to your UniVerSity for further StUdieS in the field of PhySiCaI ChemiStry leading to a Ph.D. degree. I would also like to apply for a POSition as a teach ing assista nt. Would you PIeaSe Send me the n ecessary in formati Onand forms? I am 26, male, majori ng in ChemiStry. I received my M.S. degree from Nanjing Uni


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