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新概念第一册 40-80 课检测题 Score: Name: 基础题 一、写出你所听到的时间 (5 分) 1. __________2._________3.__________4.________5.__________ 二、单词默写( 15 分) 1. 春天 2. 夏天 3. 秋天 4. 冬天 5. 一月 6. 九月 7. 五月 8. 温暖的 9. 下雪 10. 下雨 1. __________ 让人讨厌的 2. ___________ 电话 3. ___________ 突然地 4. ___________ 愉快地 5. ____________ 流行样式 6. ___________ 不舒服的 7._____________约会,预约 8. ___________ 紧急的,急迫的 9. ____________ 蔬菜 10. ___________ 希望 1. 前天 2. 接电话 3. 五次 4 . 昨天晚上 5. 在公共汽车站 6. 心中暗想 7. 一双不舒服的鞋子 8. 写一份购物清单 9. 有一个预约 10. 两周前 三、连线( 5 分) stay at home 整理床铺 穿上 shut the door make the bed 呆在家 喝牛奶 put on do homework 等公交车 脱掉 turn on wash the dishes 做作业 打开 drink the milk wait for a bus 洗碗 关上门 take off 四、单项选择。  (25  分) (  ) 1. What________you do yesterday? A. do  B. are  C. does  D. did (  ) 2.She ________the table the day before last. A. dust  B. dusts  C.dusted  D.is dusting ( ) 3. ________ size do you want? A. How B. What C. Which D.That ( ) 4. I don ’t have ________meat. A. some B. any C. a D. / ( ) 5. I afraid ________ I can ’t. A. which B. that C. how D. who ( ) 6. The man can run_______. A. lately B.quickly C.quicklly D. fastly ( ) 7. She can’tspeak________ you. She is sleeping now. A. at B. to C. for D. in ( ) 8.We _________ buy any tea yesterday. A. do n’t B. does n’t C. did D. didn ’t ( ) 9. –He took out phrasebook and_________it slowly . A. reads B. read C. reading D. readed ( ) 10.Do you have any shoes _________ these? A. as B. like C. to D. for ( ) 11. I want to____________the dentist. A. look B. look at C. saw D. see ( ) 12. Can’t you wait __________this afternoon? A. for B. to C.till D. in ( ) 13. I must go to the butcher ’s, ______. A. too B. also C.either D. and ( ) 14. We have many apples,but we don ’t have______ milk. A. many B. much C. a lot D. some ( ) 15. Must you go to the shop? No,you _______ . A. mustn’t B.must not C. needn’t D. need ( ) 16. ______is Sally? -- She’s in the garden. A 、 What B 、 Where C 、Who ( ) 17. Can you ________ a bookcase? A. make B. play C. drop D. catch ( ) 18. Are


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