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Unit 2 What a day! (fun time, cartoon time, checkout time) Listen to the song 离开 If you like playing outside, you must don’t like the rainy day. Yes? 如果你喜欢在外面玩耍,你就一定不喜欢下雨天。 Work in pairs( 同桌讨论) Which weather do you like? Why? I like …. Because I … 活动一 We like the weather, the reason is that we can do the interesting things. 我们之所以喜欢某种天气,原因往往是可以在这样的天气做我们感兴趣的事情。 Fun time Game time 1 2 3 4 a c d b 丁 丙 乙 甲 游戏规则: 先pick three pictures(每排选一张),然后用英语分别表达出来, 最后把三句话连起来,…… Game time 1 2 3 4 a c d b 丁 丙 乙 甲 It was sunny. I flew a kite in the park. Game time 活动二 1 2 3 4 a c d b 丁 丙 乙 甲 What happened? 发生了什么事? 1. What’s the matter with Bobby? 2. Where did Bobby fly the kite first? 3. Where did Bobby fly the kite then? 4. Why did the kite fly away?(飞走) 5. Who found the kite at last? Work in groups.(小组讨论,把存在答案的句子画下来) 活动三 Check the answers What’s the matter with Bobby? He lost his new kite. lose 丢失 2. Where did Bobby fly the kite first? He flew a kite in the park first. fly →flew 3. Where did Bobby fly the kite then? He flew the kite on the hill then. 4. Why did the kite fly away? Because it flew too high, Bobby couldn’t hold onto it. 抓紧 5. Who found the kite at last? Sam found the kite at last. look sad看起来难过 lose the new kite 丢了新风筝 climb up the hill爬上小山 fly high飞的高 hold onto 抓紧,握紧 fly away 飞走 活动四 1. Read the story after the tape. ( 注意角色的心情和语气) 2. Read the story in your groups。 小组内分角色练习 Can you summarize Bobby’s day with a sentence?你能用一句话形容Bobby的一天吗? What a day! Writing time Let’s write a diary about this class! , th , September It (is) rainy today, we (have) an interesting class. In class, we (play) a game. There (are) many pictures, We (make) sentences. I (like) this game very much. What a day! Tuesday 27 was had played were made liked happy Homework: Write


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