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3) The body also states what you want to be done what you consider a reasonable demand to satisfy your claim.(正文还要讲述你想干什么,即考虑什么理由,来满足你的要求。) * 外贸英语函电 * 对抱怨与索赔信函的答复应当总是彬彬有礼的,尽管这种抱怨是无理的,卖方不应当那么说,直到卖方有可靠的理由来拒绝索赔。 处理抱怨时,下列规则卖方应当遵循: 1) The first thing that has to be decided is whether the complaint is justified. If it is so, the sellers have to admit it readily, express his (or her) regret and agree to the buyer’s request.(要决定的第一件事就是买方的抱怨是否是正当的。若是正当的,卖方就要乐意地答应,表达他(她)的遗憾,同意买方的要求。) * 外贸英语函电 * 2) If the complaint or claim is not justified, point this out politely and in agreeable manner. It would be a wrong policy to reject the customer’s request.(如果抱怨和索赔不正当,也应以令愉快的态度彬彬有礼地指出拒绝顾客的要求是错误的。) 3) If the seller cannot deal with a complaint promptly, acknowledge it at once; explain that the matter is being investigated and a full reply will be sent later. 如果卖方不能立即处理买方的抱怨,立即告知对方,他的抱怨信已收到,解释说事情正在调查之中,全面答复随后寄到。 * 外贸英语函电 * Specimen Letters(信函样例) Letter 1. Complaint about Delay in Shipment (抱怨装运延迟) 见P180-181 Letter 2. Complaint about the Goods Not Corresponding with the Original Samples (抱怨货物与样品不一致) 见P181 * 外贸英语函电 * Letter 3. Complaint about Shipping Wrong Goods (抱怨发错了货) 见P181 Letter 4. Suggestion about Making a Claim against the Shipping Company (建议买方向船运公司索赔) 见P182 * 外贸英语函电 * Letter 5. Complaint Accepted (申诉被接受) 见P182-183 Letter 6. Adjustment Made by the Seller (卖方进行理赔) 见P183 Letter 7. Claim Rejected (拒绝索赔) 见P183-184 * 外贸英语函电 * Unit Sixteen Agencies 代理 * 外贸英语函电 * Brief Introduction(业务简介) 如果一家公司想要开辟市场,它通常要凭借代理商的帮助,代理商是受雇代表公司在公司力所不及的相当遥远的地区销售公司的产品。例如,一家公司可以有国外的佣金代理,或者委托远方的一家独家代理代表公司来销售某种产品。 General agent (总代理) Sole agent (exclusive agent)(独家代理) Brokers(经纪人) Factors:(包销代理) Forwarding agents:(运输代理) * 外贸英语函电 * Specimen Letters(信函样例) Letter 1. Import Asks for Sole Agency (进口商申请为独家代理) 见P193 Letter 2. Entrusting a Customer with Sole Agency (委任客户为独家代理) 见P193 * 外贸英语函电 * Letter 3. Confirming the Terms of Agency (确认代理条款) 见P194 Letter 4. Declining a Request for Sole Agency (拒绝有关独家


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