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英语读写教学大纲 英语读写教学大纲 PAGE PAGEPAGE 3 英语读写教学大纲 《六级读写》教学大纲 课程名:六级读写(Reading and Writing for CET 6) 课程号:18FL0066 学 分:2 学 时:总学时 36 讲授学时:36 一、教学目标 本课程是《大学英语教学指南》(2017)所规定的后续课程,旨在通过一定量的阅读实践,初步培养学生阅读的兴趣与习惯,开阔视野;引导学生在阅读中观察、了解相关英语语言与文化现象,培养假设判断、分析归纳、推理检验等逻辑思维能力。同时,根据学生实际情况进行阅读策略的介绍与指导,指导学生掌握各种阅读方法,加快阅读速度,提高理解的准确性. English Reading, which is the required subject for the first-year students stipulated in the National College English Curriculum, aims to foster students’ interest and habit in English, broaden their vision, and guide them how to observe and understand the phenomena pertinent to English language and culture so as to train such logical thinking abilities as hypothesis, analyzing, inducing, reasoning and testing. It also trains students reading skills, and guides them to have a good command of different kinds of reading methods, thus improving their reading speed and reading efficiency. 二、授课团队 主讲教师和教学团队均为长期担任大学英语课程的一线教师,主讲过《大学英语精读》、《大学英语听说》、《商务英语》、《英汉翻译》、《英语演讲》和《英美文学》等课程,团队成员连续多年年度教学考核优秀,学生教学评教名列前茅,能较好完成教学目标。 四、教学内容与安排 教学安排(本课程以模块化方式开展教学): 模块 章节 学时 主要内容 模块1:Finding the main idea Long Passage 1 2 Concept of Reading Long Passage 2 2 Resilience Is About How You Recharge, Not How You Endure Long Passage 3 2 A Pioneering Woman of Science Re-Emerges after 300 Years Long Passage 4 2 Do Parents Invade Childrens Privacy When They Post Photos Online Long Passage 5 2 Grow Plants Without Water Long Reading 6 2 Peer Pressure Has a Positive Side 模块2:Recognizing the pattern of the details Reading in Depth 1 2 Smart Phones Behaviorial Science Reading in Depth 2 2 Children with Attention Problems Reading in Depth 3 2 The Way Math is Taught in Schools Reading in Depth 4 2 Robotic Medicare Reading in Depth 5 2 Farming Reading in Depth 6 2 Communication between Science and Media 模块3:Outlining Basic Writing 1 2 Children Must be Taught to Tell Right from Wrong Basic Writing 2 2 Crying over the Spilt Milk Basic Writing 3 2 Protecting the Environment of Tourist Attractio


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