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unit3 《teenageproblems》教案( 15 课时)(牛津英语 初三上)doc 初中英语 总 课 题 9A Unit 3 Teenage problems 总课时 10 第 1 课时 课 题 Comic strip Welcome to the unit 课 型 新授 知识目标 Know the spelling of some words and usage of some phrases Know the different meanings of ‘get’ 教学目标 能力目标 Talk about problems and their causes. Think about one’s problems and how to deal with them 情感目标 Express problems and talk about solutions. Talk about problems and their causes. 教学重点 与难点 Express problems and talk about solutions. 教学资源 1. Preview the new words phrases. 2.Pre-learn period 1 内 Preview the new words and phrases 内容 2. Pre-learn Period 1: Comic strip Welcome to the unit 课前预习 时刻 5 分钟 方法 听录音,自学单词及对话 要求 1.会读,会写 2.自己划出重点词组及句子 教 学 过 程 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 备课札记 Step1Pre-checking Warm-up 1Ⅰ.Exercises:(Complete the sentences) Do exercises. 1).The radio is too n____. Please turn it down. 2).___( 吃 )too much makes you fat. 3).Our teacher is very____( 严格的 )with us. 4).-What are they___( 争吵 ) about? -Sorry, I don ’t know. 5).I ’m hungry. Can you o____ me something 从 学 生周 围 的 话题 谈起,引发 学 生 摸索 并讨论。 to eat? Listen and think what .Explain that most teenagers have problems. Tell them that problems they have. if they ever need to talk about their problems, they 引申 get 的 should talk to their teachers, friends or family. Tell them 不同含义, that having a problem is nothing to be ashamed of 开 展 拓展 everyone has worries from time to time. 性学习。 教 学 过 程 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 备课札记 Work in pairs 2. Do a survey of the problems that the students in the class have. Discuss some Discuss the problems questioned by the students. problems Get 的不 Step2. Comic strip 同含义 Ask the students to listen to the tape with the books closed. Listen and prepare And then answer a question 〝 What problem has Eddie for the question got? 〞. Tell them that Eddie is getting fat. Here 〝get〞 means Think about the 〝become〞. What other meanings does 〝get〞 have?选 usages of 〝get〞 用所给词组的适当形式填空: get a good mark, get some help from, get enough sleep, 〝 noisy get excited, ge


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