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Unit 10 MoneyLesson 3Your MoneyNew Words and Expressionsamuse amuse amusing amused amusementTo his amusement, the well known amusing store can not amuse the boy. Nothing is amusing here. The clown amused the childrenThe story must be amusingly written. We saw the amused looks on their faces.cookiesA cookie is a sweet biscuit.A cookie is a piece of computer software which enables a website you have visited to recognize you if you visit it again.网络跟踪器(记录上网用户信息的软件)appealappeal to sb.: attract sb., make sb. interested in sth. 你对出国的主意感兴趣吗? Does the idea of studying abroad appeal to you? appeal (v): to make a serious public request for help, money, information… 恳求,呼吁appeal to sb. for sth.appeal to sb. to do sth. 警方呼吁公众提供有关这宗罪案的信息.The police are appealing to the public for information about the crime.=The police are appealing to the public to give information about the crime.(n.) appeal for sb.这部电影对年轻观众有巨大的吸引力.The film has great appeal for young audiences.appealing (adj.) : attractive or charming 她穿着那条裙子很迷人。She looks appealing in that dress.soil soil earth【即学即练】 用contain和include的正确形式填空。1. The museum ______ a number of original artworks.2. The price ______ postage charges.3. The dictionary ______ nine maps, ______ two Chinese ones.Key: 1. contains 2. includes3. contains; includingbalanceOn balance he agreed with Christine.总的来说,他…..He balanced a football on his head.The medicines you are currently taking could be affecting your balance.There was no other way to ensure that people would get the right balance of foods.He swung around, almost losing his balance. erosionerosion: being worn away by water,wind or sand.( 侵蚀, 流失)erosion surfacewater erosionsoil and rock erosionthe Yellow River erosion Water and soil erosion through out of the country is very serious, and tendency of ecological deterioration [d??t??r??‘re??n] 恶化;变坏;退化 had not yet effectively stopped, in particular, such situation in the West had no choice but to be controlled at once. Nowadays, the


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