162 大学论文机械皮带输送机.doc

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燕山大学本科生毕业设计(论文) PAGE II 皮带输送机设计(无角度) 摘 要 皮带式输送机具有输送量大、结构简单、维修方便、部件标准化等优点,广泛应用于矿山、冶金、煤炭等行业,用来输送松散物料或成件物品,根据输送工艺要求,可单台输送,也可多台组成或与其它输送设备组成水平或倾斜的输送系统,以满足不同布置型式的作业 线需要 ,适用于输送堆积密度小于1.67/吨/立方米,易于掏取的粉状、粒状、小块状的低磨琢性物料及袋装物料,如煤、碎石、砂、水泥、化肥、粮食等。 本次毕业设计是关于带式输送机的设计。首先对带式输送机作了简单的概述,接着分析了带式输送机的选型原则及计算方法,然后根据这些设计准则与计算选型方法按照给定参数要求进行选型设计;接着对所选择的输送机各主要零部件进行了校核。普通型带式输送机由六个主要部件组成:传动装置,机尾和导回装置,中部机架,拉紧装置以及胶带。最后简单的说明了输送机的安装与维护。目前,胶带输送机正朝着长距离,高速度,低摩擦的方向发展,近年来出现的气垫式胶带输送机就是其中的一个。在胶带输送机的设计、制造以及应用方面,目前我国与国外先进水平相比仍有较大差距,国内在设计制造带式输送机过程中存在着很多不足。 本次带式输送机设计代表了设计的一般过程, 对今后的选型设计工作有一定的参考价值。在这次设计过程中,我也对自身有了深刻的认识,明白了书本上的知识与实践的联系,对自己也是一次很大的锻炼。 关键词:带式输送机 选型设计 无角度 Belt conveyor design (no Angle) Abstract Belt conveyor is big, simple structure, throughput maintenance convenience, standardization of components etc, widely used in mining, metallurgy, coal industry etc, for conveying materials or loose, according to item conveying technology, but a single transmission, but also more component or and other transport equipment level or tilt the conveying system, to meet the different needs of homework line layout type, suitable for conveying bulk density than 1.67 per ton/cubic meters, easy to take out the granular, powder, low grinding small block sex material and packaged cut materials, such as coal, gravel, sand and cement, chemical, food, etc. The graduation design is about the design of the belt conveyor. First of belt conveyor briefly Outlines, Then analyzed the selection principle of belt conveyor and calculation method, Then according to the design principles and calculation methods according to the given parameter selection and design requirements, Then the choice of the main parts of the belt conveyor. Ordinary belt conveyor by six main components: transmission device, the tail and guide to device, middle stands, tension device and tape. Finally the simple illustrates conveyor installation and maintenance. At present, in long distance belt conveyor, high speed, low friction in recent years, the direct


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