读后续写-表达人物的悲伤在不同句式中的运用学案 高考英语作文专题.docx

读后续写-表达人物的悲伤在不同句式中的运用学案 高考英语作文专题.docx

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表达人物的悲伤、沮丧和孤独 Adj. Adv. sorrowful, sad, depressed, frustrated, lonely, upset, depressing. sadly Adj. Adv. sorrowful, sad, depressed, frustrated, lonely, upset, depressing. sadly v. sorrow, loneliness, sadness, depression. 固定短语 a sense \wave of loneliness, numb with sorrow, with sadness 用表悲伤、沮丧和孤独的表达补全下面各个句子:(附答案) 她感到孤独和绝望,直到我热情地靠近她。(形容词) She_____________________ until I approached her warmly. 悲伤和孤独的的气氛笼罩着她。 An atmosphere of _____________________ settled over her.(名词做介词的宾语) Tom 感到被冷落,孤独使他感到绝望。(make sb. do) Tom feels left out, and _____________________ . 他把自己锁在房间里,沉浸在悲痛之中。(巧用介词短语) He locked himself in his room and _____________________ 她很伤心,没意识到自己哭了,眼泪止不住。(形容词,形容词做状语) She was very ______ and didnt realize that she was crying,_____________________ 孤独和悲伤不断涌上心头。(名词做主语) _____________________ comes in waves. 一听到那个坏消息,她悲伤不已。 Upon hearing the bad news, she_____________________ .(形容词) 听到这个坏消息,她心痛,眼泪顺着脸颊流下来。(独立这个结构) Upon hearing the bad news, her heart ached, _____________________ . 听到这个坏消息后,她因悲伤而麻木,说话困难。 Upon hearing the bad news, she, __________________, had trouble speaking.(形容词做状语) 听到这个坏消息后,她被一股悲伤之感控制,忍不住哭泣。(名词短语做介词的宾语) Upon hearing the bad news, she felt seized by ____________________ and couldn’t help crying bitterly. 他静静地站着,眼泪流下他的脸颊。(独立这个结构) He stood silently, _____________________ . 我看到一个老奶奶在街角捶胸痛哭。(with结构) I saw an old lady wailing_____________________ in the street corner. 当他张开双臂拥抱我时,我觉得自己喉头哽咽。(动作) When he embraced me with his arms open wide, I felt_____________________ . 我感觉自己漂浮在悲伤的海洋里。(比喻) I feel like I __________________________. 他的眼里噙满了悲伤的泪水。名词短语做介词的宾语) His eyes brimmed with_____________________ . Youd think that after hearing Mom and Dad talk about The Trip for a year, Id be eager to go. But I didnt even want to think about it. “Arent you excited?” asked Dad, looking up from his laptop. “This is the trip of lifetime. Ill bet none of your friends will be driving across the United States this summer. Exactly, I thought. Nobody I


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