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青少版新概念1AUnit12会计学Step2: Revision第2页/共33页smarttheseoutfitplaybothelegantinterestingcolourfulunusual/smɑ:t//ei:z/ /a?tfit//plei//b??θ/[el?g(?)nt] [?nt(?)r?st??] /k?l?f(?)l] [?nju????l]第3页/共33页Let’s review smart 神气的 interesting 有趣的 these 这些 tie 领带,领结 outfit服装 um... 呃 play 戏剧,演出 colourful 颜色鲜艳的 both 都unusual 独特的 elegant 优雅的shoe鞋 all right 合适的 part角色 Make sentences.第4页/共33页e.g. smartShe is a smart girl. smart interesting these tie outfit play both colourful part unusual elegant shoe 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12第5页/共33页3. Read the text together.第6页/共33页Robert: Look! These are our outfits for the school play.Karen: Oh, very smart! Look William!William: Yes, you’re both very elegant.Lucy and Robert: Thank you, Dad.第7页/共33页William: That’s an interesting tie, Robert.Robert: Um, yes, thanks, Dad.William: It’s very colourful. Very unusual.Robert: Yes ,um, it’s my favourite tie.第8页/共33页Karen: Those are funny shoes, Robert. Are they a bit big for you?第9页/共33页Robert: These shoes? No, Mum. They’re all right. They’re right for the part. 第10页/共33页Paul: Where are my new shoes? They aren’t in my bedroom.Karen and William: Oh, Robert!第11页/共33页Paul: Hey, Robert! That’s my tie! Those are my new shoes! And those are my socks, too!4. Translate the key sentences.第12页/共33页⑴这些是我们在学校演出时要穿的服装。These are our outfits for the school play.⑵你们都很优雅。You are both very elegant.⑶那是条有趣的领带。Thats an interesting tie.4. Translate the key sentences.第13页/共33页⑷那双鞋子有点儿怪。Those are funny shoes.⑸你穿是不是有点儿大。Are they a bit big for you?⑹对于角色来说正合适。Theyre right for the part.Step 3 . Pattern practice.第14页/共33页1. Dictate the numbers 81 to 90.2. Read the key words of each picture.3. Look at the example, and do the same.Step 4. Written exercises.第15页/共33页1. Do exercises of P85.2. Explain.Step 5. Listening.1. Listen. 2. Listen and write.3. Check.第16页/共33页Unit 12Lesson 23Just like you!第17页/共33页../unit13/look.pptLet’s look at themVTS_13_1.VOBLet’s watch themLet’s read themLet’s talk to themLet’s answer


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