人教版英语 八年级下册 Unit9 SectionB reading 课件.pptVIP

人教版英语 八年级下册 Unit9 SectionB reading 课件.ppt

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Unit 9 Singapore ----A Place You Will Never Forget * Learning goals 初读课文,能快速找出从哪几方面描述新加坡。 再读课文,能根据课文信息,修改2c的病句。 细读课文,能用课文信息完成2d对话。 * What do you know about Singapore? * Merlion“狮头鱼尾”雕像,它是新加坡的象征和标志。 * What aspects of Singapore does the article introduce? Singapore language food seasons animals population location 方面 TASK 1 * Singapore’s geographical location A small island (1) ________________ Language(s) people speak in Singapore (2) ______________ ____________ Food we can find in Singapore Chinese food, (3) __________________ _____ and Japanese food. in Southeast Asia Putonghua and English Indian food, western food I. 根据短文内容完成下面的表格 * Name of the night zoo in Singapore (4) ___________ Temperature in Singapore It is (5) _________ _____ all year round. Night Safari almost the same * 1. Most people in Singapore only speak English. 2. It is not easy to get many different kinds of good food in Singapore. The statements below are false. Use information from the article to correct them. 2c both English and Chinese very TASK 2 * 3. It’s better to see lions and tigers during the daytime because they will probably be awake. 4. It’s best to visit Singapore in the autumn. at night whenever you like * Fill in the conversation about Singapore using the information form the article. A: I am going to Singapore next week. _____ you ever ____ there before? B: Yes, I’ve ____ to Singapore many times. It’s my favorite country in ________ Asia. A: What languages do people _____ there? B: Mostly Chinese and _______. Have been been Southeast speak English 2d TASK 3 * A: What about the food? Is it good? B: It’s excellent! _____ you ever tried Indian food? Indian food is really good in Singapore. A: I see. Have you ____ heard of the Night Safari? Someone told me to go there. B: Yes! I ____ been to the Night Safari. It was really exciting to ___ the animals in the dark. A: And it is always _____ in Singapore? B: All ____ round! It’s always summer there! Have ever ha


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