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【13】leave sth about (1)乱丢/舌L放某物 He is apt to leave thi ngs about. 他总喜欢把东西到处乱放。 ⑵把…随便乱放 Do nt leave your thi ngs about. 别把东西到处乱扔。 【14】leave sth aside阁置/不考虑某物/某事 Lets leave the matter aside for a mome nt. 我们把这件事搁一会儿再说。 【15】leave sth behind (1)忘带/留下/丢弃某事 Dont leave me behi nd.不要把我忘了。 He left his wife and children behind.他抛下了妻子儿女。 主语 + 谓语 +be+left behi nd The luggage has bee n left beh ind. 忘了带行李。 In their withdrawal, much of the heavy equipme nt had to be left beh ind. 在撤退时,他们不得不丢弃许多重型装备。 ⑵使某人落后;把某人丢在后面 leave sb/sth behi nd The young athlete soon left the others far beh ind. 那位年轻运动员很快就把其他选手抛在后面。 主语 + 谓语 +be left beh ind He was left behind in the race. 他赛跑时落在后面。 If you dont study hard, youll be left beh ind. 你要是不努力学习,就会落在别人后面。 【16】 leave for +地点名词 (1) 出发去(某地)去某地/前往某地 Were leav ing for Rome n ext week. 我们下星期要到罗马去。 The n ewly married couple are leav ing for their hon eym oon. 这对新婚夫妇将动身外出度蜜月。 (2) leave A for B离开A地方前往 B地方 She left Beijing for New York last year. 她去年离开北京去了纽约。 (3)离开(某人)以同(他人)生活在一起;离开(某职位)以寻求leave sb/sth for sb/sth He left his wife for a worthless actress. 他离开了妻子,同一位不值一提的女演员生活在一起。 The director is thinking of leaving the firm for a better position elsewhere. 经理正在考虑离开这个公司,到其他地方找个更好的职位。 He left medicine for the law. 他离开医学界而转入法学界。 【仃】leave sb holding the bag/sack让某人背黑锅丨 They all ran off and left me holdi ng the bag. 他们全都逃了,留下我一个人背黑锅。 【18】leave sth in让…留下 They have left those words in after all. 他们毕竟还是保留了那些话。 The editor fin ally agreed to leave the paragraph in. 编辑最后同意把那一段保留下来。 【19】leave it at that行了,够了 到此为止 I think rve give n you a strong eno ugh warnin g;well leave it at that for the mome nt. 我想我给你的警告也够厉害的了 ,现在暂时就不说了。 Lets leave it at that;weve worked hard eno ugh today. 我们就到这儿吧,今天也够辛苦的了。 【20】 leave nothing/much to be done (1)leave nothing to be done十分完美/令人满意 The work leaves no thi ng to be desired.这项工作十分完美。 ⑵leave much to be done不十分完美/不令人满意 What weve done still leaves much to be desired. 我们的工作还有很多不足之处。 This hotel leaves much to be desired. 这个旅馆不能令人满意 【21】 leave


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