英汉基础翻译要点—第五章 定语从句的译法.ppt

英汉基础翻译要点—第五章 定语从句的译法.ppt

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例8. UNESCO, which places action in favor of young people at the heart of its programmers, notably those concerned with education and training, is making its contribution to the achievement to this goal. 联合国教科文组织把有利于青年的活动,特别是那些青年教育和培训有关的活动,作为其各项计划的核心内容,从而为实现这一目标做出贡献。 例9.Ours is a profession which traditionally has been guided by a precept that transcends the virtue of uttering truth for truth’s sake, and that is “as far as possible do no harm”. 我们这个职业在传统上恪守一条信念,那就是:“尽可能不造成伤害”,这一信条胜过讲真话而讲真话的美德。 5.4 译成状语 英语中有些定语从句在内容上含有时间、原因、目的、结果、条件、让步等状语意思,翻译时往往可以加上相应的词语,以表达出其相应的状语意义。 A.表示原因 例1.We engage professor Wu, who understands English. 我们聘请吴教授,因为他懂英语。 例2.Many of our Welsh people are going to settle in North Carolina, where land is cheap. 我们威尔士人有许多去北卡罗来纳定居,因为那里的土地便宜。 例3.We can read of things that happened 5000 years ago in the Near East, where people first learned to write. (因为)在近东人们最早使用文字记事,所以,即使追溯到五千年前那里发生的事情,我们也能知道。 例4.Wells, who had spent years studying science, used to consider the future of man in the light of scientific knowledge. (由于)威尔斯花了多年时间研究科学,因而他经常根据科学知识考虑人类的未来。 B. 表示时间 例1.You, who are the prime of your life, come forth with greater contributions for the benefit of the people. 趁你年富力强的时候,为人民做出更多的贡献吧。 例2.A sailor who was fixing a rope lost balance and tumbled overboard. 一个水手正在系绳子的时候,失去平衡,掉到水里去了。 例3.I had the honor of seeing Chairman Mao, who was visiting the Jinggang Mountain in 1965. 毛泽东1965年重访井冈山时,我曾荣幸地见到他。 C. 表示目的 例1.He is collecting authentic material that proves his argument. 他正在收集确凿的材料以证明他的论点。 例2.Steel parts are usually covered the grease, with which they may not rust. 钢零件通常用润滑油覆盖,免得生锈。 例3.Chinese trade delegations have been sent to African countries, who will negotiate trade agreements with the respective governments.中国派了贸易代表团前往非洲各国,以便与各国政府商谈贸易协定。 例4.The imperialist states maintain enormous armies and gigantic navies which are used for oppressing and exploiting the people in distant land. 帝国主义国家维持庞大的陆海军,用以压迫和剥削


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