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上册 英 语 基础模块 Unit 4 Entertainment Objectives 1 能够辨别/?/和/?/, /?/和/a?/, /z/和/e/, /t/和/θ/在句子中的发音的不同, 并能正确掌握其发音。 2 掌握本单元出现的词汇、短语和句型,并能用一些简单的短语、句型进行询问娱乐活动。 3 掌握情态动词 (can, may, must) 的用法。 精品资料 你怎么称呼老师? 如果老师最后没有总结一节课的重点的难点,你是否会认为老师的教学方法需要改进? 你所经历的课堂,是讲座式还是讨论式? 教师的教鞭 “不怕太阳晒,也不怕那风雨狂,只怕先生骂我笨,没有学问无颜见爹娘 ……” “太阳当空照,花儿对我笑,小鸟说早早早……” Pronunciation Listening and Speaking Reading Writing Grammar Entertain- ment Highlights Group 1 /?/ and /?/ Section A Pronunciation He must be a famous cook. (2) Put the box in a quiet place. Script I. Listen to the recording and tick the word youve just heard in each sentence. Group 2 /?/ and /a?/ A cow produces milk. (2) Im sorry to shock you. Script Group 3 /e/and /z/ Open that eye and close the other. (2) People, animals and plants breathe air. Script Group 4 /θ/and /t/ My father taught me to ride a bicycle. (2) Both the sisters are not here. Script II. Listen to the tongue twister and repeat. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood. Tom got a lot of dots on his pocket. If he wants to wash off the dots, he will use a pot of hot water. Section B Listening and Speaking Warm-up Dialogue Study Activities What kind of entertainments do you like? Write down your answer in the box, and talk about it with your partner. Entertainments Warm-up ? watch TV reading KTV swimming Dialogue (D=David, S=Sarah) D: Do you like watching TV? S : Yes, I watch TV every day. D: How long do you watch TV every day? S : About three hours. D: What’s your favorite program? S : Films. Sometimes I watch movies on TV till midnight. D: I think it’s bad for your health. If you don’t have enough rest, you will be very tired next day. Work must come first. Don’t you think so? S : Maybe you’re right. I think I should take your advice. New Words Phrases Notes watch /w?t?/ v. 看,注视 favorite /


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