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marketing strict inter nal cost control , business a nd i nnovation performa nce. --Increasi ng ele ctricity a ccess, pri ce i ncrea se, ele ctricity supply is g uarantee d. In 2012, the com pany wit h coal inve ntory, get rewards of Jiangsu pr ovincial gover nment p ower to 266 milli on k Wh. Thr ough t he small and bilateral trade, a cce ss to electri city 1.695 billion kWh, se eking removal com pensation when the power 50 mill ion-kil owatt, 116% market share i n Jiang su Pr ovince ranke d first in the same capa city, t he same ty pe units. Compa ny cl osely tra cked coal li nkage policie s on July 1 a nd August 20 respe ctively increase pri ces 2.08 minutes a nd 2.5 point s, profita bility increase d sig nificantl y. 公 ... Job grading, rem uneration of la bour agreement s into l ong -term contract w orkers compe nsati on system, stimulating t he ent husiasm of the staff. --Furt her strengt heni ng of human re sources ma nage ment. Full impl ementation of the performance a ppraisa l regulati ons, incentive effect. Complete the re serve ca dre evaluation and se lecti on, produced 10 primary reserve cadre s and 11 se condary reserve ca dres. Impleme ntation of operation staff inducti on ga ng system, 14 staff posts be pr omoted. Strengthe ning the cultivati onof professi onal techni cal lea ders, sele cted coverage 9 13 fact or y-level professiona l and te chnica l leaders. To e nha nce staff skills training , 8 staff techni cians. Labor contract law com pliance, contracts of up to 100%. --Star team -buildi ng to a dvance furt her. Establi sh a hol ding system implementati on, and pr omoting t he w hole team -buildi ng goa ls, stre ngthe n group ma nagement. T eam buildi ng int o a performance revie w, pr omoting t he construction of the star team depth. This year, re spe ctively, 1 track, 4 team four star rated five -star by Datang a nd t he team. Four, insist s on six cultural construction of harm oni ous devel opme nt, really g ood job of party const


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