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TheGreenhouseEffect 第一页,编辑于星期三:四点 五十三分。 第二页,编辑于星期三:四点 五十三分。 What is greenhouse? Definition The so-called greenhouse effect is short-wave solar radiation through the atmosphere into the ground, and warming the ground after the length of radiation being released in the atmosphere by absorbing carbon dioxide and other substances, thereby creating the effect of atmospheric warming. 第三页,编辑于星期三:四点 五十三分。 Greenhouse gas: Carbon dioxide is not the only greenhouse gas. Other gases, such as methane (CH4) and nitrous (氮的、硝的)oxide (NO), are even stronger infrared (红外线的)absorbers. 第四页,编辑于星期三:四点 五十三分。 The natural greenhouse effect is crucial(决定性的) for maintaining the proper temperature needed to sustain (支持、支撑)life on Earth. BUT : THE GLOBAL WARMING!!! 第五页,编辑于星期三:四点 五十三分。 Global warming 第六页,编辑于星期三:四点 五十三分。 Temperature A worldwide greenhouse effect might produce a dangerously warmer world. Since the late 19th century, the average global temperature has increased between 0.3° C and 0.6 ° C. Internationally, 2010 was the hottest year on record since official weather records first started being kept by the British in about 1860. 第七页,编辑于星期三:四点 五十三分。 Estimates(估计) of global average temperatures have projected an increase of as much as 5°C before the year 2100. Such a rise in global temperature would produce new patterns and extreme drought and rainfall, which would seriously disrupt food production. This could potentially cripple the North American corn belt , which produces much of the worlds grain, leading to much higher food prices, and even less food for the Third World than they already have. 第八页,编辑于星期三:四点 五十三分。 The other serious worry is that rising sea levels from the melting of the polar ice could severely flood many countries. A rise in sea levels of one metre, which many experts are predicting by the year 2100 (and some as soon as 2030), would flood 15 percent of Egypt(埃及), and 12 percent of Bangladesh(孟加拉国). The Maldives



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