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Innovation, the key is to play the leading role of innovation i n the i nnovation of scie nce a nd te chnol ogy. We have place d at the core of the overall devel opme nt of scie nce and technol ogy innovation Locati on and develop technol ogy, branding, quality a s the core competitive adva ntages of regional innovati on, better use of the multiplier effect on e conomi c devel opme nt. To strengthe n scientific a nd te chnol ogical cooperation. Around the forest a nd mineral resources of the de ep pr oce ssing, expl oitation of technical i nnovation to promote tra nsfer, transformati on, a ppli cation and populari zation of scie ntific and technologi cal achievements. We should impr ove the system of scie nce a nd te chnol ogy. T horoughly im plement the Central stream of deepeni ng the reform of scie nce and technol ogy programme a nd the provi nce i ssue d regulati ons on scie ntific and technologi cal progre ss, promoti ng the regions science a nd technology e nterpri ses thre e years acti on pl an, optimize the allocatio n of scie ntific resources, maximum release i nnovation potential of sci ence and technology, and strive to better e nterprise i n seed i ndustry and beyond, and more new Board listing. S oug ht to improve scie nce and technol ogy pr oject s and admini stration. Stre ngthe ning scie nce a nd te chnol ogy innovation projects t op design, and strive with national and pr ovincial Thirtee n-Fiv e technol ogy pla ns, a ctively seek national and pr ovincial major scie nce and technol ogy pr oject s, industrial projects a nd demonstration proje cts, supporti ng science and technology e nterprises to i ncrea se scientific a nd te chnol ogical i nvestment in re search and devel opm nt and technology, research and Devel opme nt Cente r, forming a num ber of technologies and products with i ndepe nde nt intelle ct ual property rights. (Spe cific to t he XX, we will conti nue to do a good job in agri cult ural research and demonstrati on of County ag


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