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Many films and TV programs are based on Mohist . Lets have a look. * Chinese culture has a long history and profound. Ideological field of ancient even filled of divergent viewpoints. 中国文化源远流长博大精深,古代思想领域里更是百家争鸣。今天我们介绍一个神秘思想流派--墨家 Today,we are talking about a mystic School of thought— Mohist School (a school of thought in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods, 770-221 B.C.) There were various philosophers during the period from pre-Qin times to the early years of the Han Dynasty. MoZi, the only philosopher born as a peasant,is the founder of Mohism in the early Warring States. 在先秦和汉初有许许多多哲学家,墨子作为唯一一个农民出身的思想家,是墨家学派的创始人。 Mohism was an influential philosophical, social, and religious movement that flourished during the Warring States era (479–221 BCE) in ancient China. Mohism originates in the teachings of Mo Di, or “Mozi” , from whom it takes its name. They formulated China’s first explicit ethical and political theories . Besides, they have researched in geometry, mechanics, optics, and economics. 墨家是一个有影响力的派别,在战国时代(公元前479-221)在中国古代的哲学,社会和宗教运动蓬勃发展。墨家起源于墨翟,或“墨子”的教诲,从人得名 。墨家的政治、经济、伦理、军事等思想,对当时及之后都有很深远的影响。他们制定了中国的第一个明确的道德和政治理论 ,并对几何,力学,光学,和经济学等领域有一定的研究。 Three main theories Political Theory Economical Theory Ethical Theory Elevating the Worthy 尚贤 Rejecting Aggression 非攻 Regulation of capital 节制资本 All-embracing Love 兼爱 尚贤 Elevating the Worthy 墨子对启用贤人提出“任前试用制,任后评论制”墨子曰“古者圣王甚尊尚贤而任能,不当父兄,不偏富贵,不嬖颜色。” These ideas have an influence on today, if our system of selecting cadres can co-opted “pass probation before ones tenure of office,supervising during office and remarking after office” , perhaps it will eliminate the occurrence of corruption cases. Also,these ideas can be seen at the basic principles of our electoral system: The universality and equality of the voting rights. 我国现行选举制度贯彻的基


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