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元旦主题英语对话短文 元旦主题英语对话短文   以下是小编收集的关于元旦主题的英语对话短文,欢迎大家阅读欣赏!   元旦主题英语对话短文【1】   michael: so how did you celebrate new year's eve, billy?   billy: i went to a party at a friend's house and got very sloshed.   michael: and what did you do at midnight?   billy: we did the count-down to exactly 12 o'clock and then i grabbed the nearest girl and snogged her.   michael: did you know the girl?   billy: nope. i had never met her before.   michael: then why did she let you kiss her?   billy: because it was the new year!!!   michael: i still have much to learn about new year celebrations.   迈克尔:你是怎么庆祝新年除夕的,比利?   比利:我去了一个朋友家里的派对,而且喝得很醉。   迈克尔:午夜的时候你做了什么?   比利:我们倒数计秒至12点整,然后我搂过离我最近的一个女孩,很动情地吻了她。   迈克尔:你认识那个女孩吗?   比利:不认识。我以前从没有见过她。   迈克尔:那她为什么让你吻?   比利:因为那是新年!!!   迈克尔:关于新年庆祝我还有很多要学习的东西。   new words(生词)   1) sloshed: slang word for drunk   醉了的:喝醉的`俚语   my best friend got so sloshed that he could not even tell the taxi driver his address.   我最好的朋友醉得一塌糊涂,他甚至不能告诉出租车司机他的住址。   2) midnight: 12 o'clock, the end of the day   午夜:(晚上)12点整,一天的结束   i hate going to bed before midnight because i like to be awake when the days ends.   我讨厌在午夜之前睡觉,因为在一天结束的时候我喜欢醒着。   3) snogged: kissed passionately   动情地亲吻:很激情地亲吻   my date said that it was ok to hold her hand, but she made it very clear that she did not want to be snogged.   我的约会(对象)告诉我可以拉她的手,不过她很清楚地表示她不想被亲吻。   元旦主题英语对话短文【2】   jeff: happy new year, joan!   joan: thanks. jeff. a very happy new year to you also.   jeff: did you make any new year resolutions?   joan: i sure did! i resolved to study harder and cut down on the amount of coffee i drink.   jeff: i resolved to smoke more cigarettes and drink more coffee than i do now.   joan: they don't sound like very position resolutions.   jeff: they are if you sell cigarettes or coffee!   joan: good point! regardless of your resolutions, i hope you have a great new year!   jeff: and i hope that all of our readers have a great new year as well!!!   杰夫:新年快乐,琼!   琼:谢谢,杰夫。也祝你新年快乐。   杰夫:你做了新年计划了吗?   琼:我当然做了!我下决


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