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蒙氏教具国际版清单(120件) 序列号 产品编号 产品图片 中文品名 Name of Product 1 L001 小写正体沙子 英文字母 Lower Case Sandpaper Letters w/ Box 2 L005 大写正体沙子 英文字母 Capital Case Sandpaper Letters Print w/ Box 3 L007 大号木头 可移动字母 Wood - Large Movable Alphabet (Red Blue) 4 L008 小号小写 可移动字母 Wood - Small Movable Alphabet (Red Blue) 5 L009 铁制几何铁片含底座 Metal Insets with 2 Stands 6 L011 11色铅笔筒(方) Set of 11 Colored Pencil Holders 7 L012 拼音结构练习 Alphabet Dice with Box 8 L013 立体语法符号 Solid Grammar Symbols 9 L015 套装分析1-2 Reading Analysis 1st and 2nd Box 10 M001 大红,蓝数棒 PREMIUM Numerical Rods 11 M002 0-9数字沙子板 Sandpaper Numbers with Box 12 M005M003 0-9纺锤棒+ 纺锤棒箱 Spindle Box With 45 Spindles 13 MOO5 数字与筹码 (镂空数字与筹码) cut-out numeral and counters 14 M006 小红,蓝数棒 Small Numerical Rods 15 M007 邮票游戏 Stamp Game 16 M008 1-9000木制数字卡片(大) Large Wooden Number Cards With Box (1-9000) 17 MO11 1-9000木制数字卡片 (小) Small Wooden Number Cards With Box (1-9000) 18 M014 塞根板 Seguin Board A B 19 M015 一百板 Hundred Board 20 M017 加法板 Addition Strip Board 21 M018 减法板 Subtraction Strip Board 22 M019 乘法板 Multiplication Bead Board 23 M020 除法板 Division Bead Board 24 M021 小算盘架 Small Bead Frame 25 M022 大算盘架 Large Bead Frame 26 M023 榉木二项式 Binomial Cube 27 M024 榉木三项式 Trinomial Cube 28 M025 三倍数 Power of 3 cube 29 M026 分解圆形 Metal Fraction Circles with Stands 30 M027 大分数小人 Large Fraction Skittles With Stand 31 M031 45片100点正方形 45 Wooden Hundred Squares 32 M032 9个1000点正方形 9 Wooden Thousand Cubes 33 M034 减法蛇游戏 Subtraction Snake Game 34 M035 加法蛇游戏 Addition Snake Game 35 M037 9粒金色珠子 36 M038 9条金色串珠 9 Golden Bead Bars of Ten 37 M040 彩色串珠1-9 Colored Bead Stairs 1-9 38 M041 100串珠(10根) 100 Bead Chains 39 M042 1000串珠(100根) 1000 Bead Chains 40 M043 彩色串珠链 Wall Frame for Short Bead Chains 41 M044 彩珠珠子正方形(片) Colored Bead Squares 42 M047 赛根板 配套珠子A Bead Bars for Ten Board with Box 43 M048 赛根板 配套珠子B Bead Bars for Ten B


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