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It做形式主语 主讲人:欧云塔娜 ? It’s necessary for the young to master two foreign language. ? It’s a waste of time talking to her any more. ? It’s a pity that you missed the exciting football match. 动词不定式 动名词 从 句 形式主语 什么是形式主语? 形式主语是指不定式(短语)、动名词(短语)或从句在某个句子中做主语时,通常把它们放在谓语动词前,it作形式主语代替不定式、动名词、从句,置于句首,而将真正的主语放在句尾。此时为保持句子结构前后平衡,避免头重脚轻,it只起先行引导作用,本身无词义。 It is easy to become addicted to smoking . it is no good crying over spilt milk. (覆水难收) It is amazing that at my age I am still fit . It 作形式主语代替不定式、动词-ing短语或从句 adj p.p n + (for/of sb) to do sth doing sth 主语从句 It be + 1、It +be+形容词 + (for sb.)不定式短语 ①、it代替不定式短语 例1:It is wrong to tell a lie. It为to tell a lie的形式主语 例2:It is difficult to climb a mountain. It为to climb a mountain的形式主语 例3:It is a good habit to do morning exercises. It为to do morning exercises 的形式主语 1、It + be + adj +(for sb. / of sb./名词词组) + to do sth. a:It +be +adj +for sb to do sth 该句型中的adj通常是表示事物的特点或特征的,如 difficult,hard,easy,impossible,necessary,important等时,用for;意为做某事时是... eg: It is necessary for college students to master at least a foreign language. b、It+ be +adj+of sb to do sth 该句型中的adj通常用来表示人的性格特征或特点的,如 nice,good,bad,kind,silly,foolish,wise,clever, careless,rude,brave,cruel,careful, grateful等时,要用 of。意为某人做某事,某人是... eg:It is foolish of you to give up such a good chance. c: It + be +名词词组+动词不定式 eg. It is not a good habit to stay up too late. 常见句型: It takes/took sb. some time/money to do sth. 2、It +be+动名词短语 ②it代替动名词ing形式 常见句型:It is no good(use)doing sth. 例1:It is no use learning without thinking学而不思则罔=There is no use (in) learning without thinking.真正的主语为learning without thinking. 例2:It is no good crying over spilt milk. 真正的主语为crying over spilt milk. 3、It + be + that从句 ③it代替that从句 a: It + be +adj.+that从句 (这是that从句中最常用的一种) 如若形容词为 important / necessary, good/wrong ...表达一种要求,命令或者责备时,多使用虚拟语气(should +V). 1、It is time +that sb. +v-ed/ should do 1、It is time +that sb. +v-ed/ should do eg. It’s t


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