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情感状态评分表 Emotional state rating scale 姓名(Name) :_______性别(Gender) :____ 年龄(Age) :_____ 文化程度(Educational level) : 高中(High school) ()本科(Undergraduate) ()硕士/博士(Master/Doctor) ( ) 职业(Occupation) :_________编号(Number) :_____ 评定日期(Date of evaluation) :_______ 第___次评定 The time for evaluation 临床诊断(Clinical diagnosis) :____________ 请回答下面的问题,以认清您在人生的这个点上所处的情感状态。 Please answer the following questions so as to get a clear understanding of your current emotional state. 使用下述评分标准。 Please use the following scoring criteria. 0=几乎从不 almost never 1=很少 seldom 2=间或 occasionally 3=时常 frequently 4=大部分时间 most of the time 5=几乎总是 almost always 1 不论生活中发生什么,我知道我是个具有可爱品质的人。 No matter what happens in life, I know I am with lovely quality. 2 即便在面对重大挑战的时候,我也相信我撑得住并将安然走过去。 Even if in the face of severe challenges, I believe I can prop them up and safely walk through. 3 我能作出健康的、反映我内在自我价值的选择,以此来丰富自己。 I can make a healthy choice that is self-value reflective so as to enrich myself. 4 我能自在地独处而不感到孤独。 I can freely stay alone without feeling lonely. 5 我有能力设定与他人相处时的健康界线。 I am capable of defining a borderline for a healthy relationship with others. 6 我与父母、兄弟姐妹和其他亲人拥有融洽的关系。 I live in harmony with my parents, my brothers and sisters as well as my other relatives. 7 我相信自己内心的声音,即便在别人尝试劝阻我时也不动摇。 I believe in and stick to the voice from my inner heart, even to others’ dissuasion. 8 我不因自己的身体形象而自卑。 I am not self-abased for my appearance. 9 我能承受他人的排斥,并不因此质疑自己的核心价值。 I accept the exclusion from others unperturbedly without any doubt of my core value. 10 我了解并认可自己特有的才能,而且能自如地表露它们。 Understanding and recognizing my own special talents, I can demonstrate them in an easy manner. 11 虽然有时候我也会感到焦虑或悲伤,但我知道



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