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气象民俗学 Meteorological Folklore 一、课程基本情况 课程类别:专业任选课 课程学分:2 课程总学时:32 学时,其中讲课:32 学时 课程性质:选修 开课学期:第7学期 先修课程: 无 适用专业:国际经济与贸易 教 材:讲义 开课单位:语言文化学院英语系 二、课程性质、教学目标和任务 Meteorological Folklore is a discipline which reflects the meteorological cultural phenomena in various areas such as people’s production, life, behavior conventions, folklore, and so on. Meteorological folklore is a kind of social behavior which gradually tends to keep its stability through a consistently repeated practice and is protected by people in consciousness in their coexistence with the meteorological environment. Meteorological folklore has a significant impact on people’s production and life activities. They exist not only as a type of culture and folklore item which are passed on from generation to generation in humans, but also as a scientific behavior guideline of people’s production and life, with the positive effect on the social development. With the progress in science and social development, people pay more attention to the development of meteorological science and technology. As people’s production and life activities rely more and more on the weather and climate changes, the economic value from the weather information becomes more and more obvious. So, the problems from meteorological information, weather and climate are always high focused in society. For example, how to spread broadly among folks the large plenty of weather information, meteorological knowledge and meteorological scientific fulfillments in a more easy, vivid and figurative way; produce more social economic efficiency through people’s practice; and objectively conclude and expose the clues of various meteorological phenomenon studies. Those are beneficial in our correct command of the scientific regulation and knowledge in the aspects of season changes, climate environment and the utilization of climate resources, and also in our manifestation of the social functions of those folklore items. Those will better help to get


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