Unit 4 We went on a science field trip. Section A (1-4)(同步练习)-2021-2022学年英语六年级下册 .docx

Unit 4 We went on a science field trip. Section A (1-4)(同步练习)-2021-2022学年英语六年级下册 .docx

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Unit 4 We went on a science field trip. Section A(1-4) 基础训练 1.为下列单词选择相应的图片。 ( )1.bee ( )2.honey ( )3.silk ( )4. butterfly Ⅱ.选出不同类的一项。 ( )1.A.interesting B.enjoy C. work ( )2.A.last B.sweet C. beautiful ( )3.A.usually B.always C.together ( )4.A.tiger B.winter C. panda ( )5. A.ant B.south C.east Ⅲ.选词填空。 from on in to about 1. Some bids fly the south in winter. 2. We went a science field trip last week. 3. We saw the bees drink the sweet juice flowers. 4. Snakes sleep a hole in winter. 5. Bees can tell each other food. 能力提高 IV.为下列句子选择相应的汉语意思 ( )1.Bees always work together,too. 蜜蜂也一起工作。 B.蜜蜂一起飞翔。 ( )2.We learned that ants are good. 我们学到蚂蚁是好的。 B.我们了解到蛾是好的。 ( )3. Pandas eat 10-15 kg of bamboo a day. 熊猫一天睡10到15个小时。 B.熊猫一天吃10到15千克竹子。 ( )4.A baby butterfly can make silk. 蜜蜂可以生产蜂蜜。 B.蝴蝶宝宝会吐丝。 V.按要求完成下列各题。 1.We enjoy it.(改为一般疑问句) 2. We learned many things.(对画线部分提问) 3. Did you see bears?(作肯定回答) VI.补全对话 David:Did you enjoy the science field trip? Andy:1. David:Good.2. Andy:I saw many animals. David:What did you leam? Andy:3. David: Great. You did very well. A. What did you see on the science field trip? B. I learned that the bees can make honey. C.Yes,I did. Unit 4 We went on a science field trip. Section A(1-4) I 1.A2.B3.A 4.A Ⅱ.1.A2.A 3.C 4.B 5.A Ⅲ.1.to 2.on 3.from 4.in 5.about Ⅳ.1.A2.A 3.B4.B V.1.Did you enjoy it?2.What did you learn? 3.Yes,l/we did. Vl.1.C2.A3.B



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