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英语培优外刊阅读 班级:____________学号:____________姓名:____________ 外刊精选|历史如果有气味,闻起来会是什么样? 【背景介绍】气味与人的记忆紧密相连,许多人会用熟悉的事物来描述一种气味,这也许是最难保存的感官信息,专家们正在研究保存和重现过去气味的方法。如果历史有气味,这种气味该如何保存或重现?它会是什么味道? What Does History Smell Like? By Sophie Haigney Anxiety sweat. Horsehair. Wet grass and soil after a rain. Sulfuric compounds from gunpowder. Eau de cologne containing rosemary, bergamot and bitter orange. A touch of leather. This might have been what Napoleon’s retreat from the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 smelled like. At least, these are some of the elements that Caro Verbeek, an art historian, tried to incorporate when she was reconstructing the smell. “Wars are extremely smelly,” Dr. Verbeek said. “Soldiers don’t write about their injuries as much as they write about the terrible sounds and smells. So we know more about them.” In the growing field of smell research, scientists, artists, historians and cultural heritage specialists are coming together to work on what is perhaps the trickiest sense to preserve. Dr. Verbeek approaches past smells by attempting to recreate versions of them, as she did with the Battle of Waterloo, making a perfume of sorts that might be associated with historical events, people and works of art. She has captured the odor of the locker room of the Dutch soccer team after its 1988 European championship victory (coconut oil, sweat, Champagne, a deodorant called “Fresh Up,” dirty clothes and a specific brand of body wash). She often works from texts, like a court medical history, using her own sense of smell and by interviewing “nosewitnesses,” as in the case of the Dutch soccer team. You can take a photograph of the land but it’s hard to capture the smell,” Dr. Verbeek said. 【词汇过关】 请写出下面文单词在文章中的中文意思。 1.smell [smel] n. __________________v. __________________ 2.sulfuric [s?l?fj??r?k] adj. ______________________________ 3.retreat [r??tri?t] n.撤退;______________________________ 4.incorporate [?n?k??p?re?t] vt. ____________________________ 5.reconstruct [?ri?k?n?s



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