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基于多线程技术的Linux环境下文件查找 器find的设计与实现 在传统Unix操作环境下find命令作为文件查找功能的实现,有着悠久的使用历史。Find指令可以实现多种条件的查询,例如文件名,权限,大小等。Find命令在Unix的日常使用和管理中扮演重要的角色,特别是在字符界面下,我们经常要使用find命令来查找特定条件下的文件,搭配shell的其他指令可以完成许多单调的文件管理任务。然而传统Unix中的find命令采用单线程的方式处理文件,当处理到复杂结构的文件夹时,等待时间较长。Mac OS 9率先通过多线程技术对find函数的性能进行了强化,加快了文件查找速度。Linux以它的高效性和灵活性著称,它能够在PC计算机上实现全部的Unix特性,具有多任务、多用户的能力。在高端服务器操作系统领域,随着开源软件在世界范围内影响力日益增强,Linux服务器操作系统在整个服务器操作系统市场格局中占据了越来越多的市场份额。就目前的情况来说,Linux在服务器市场已经无可取代,由于find指令的使用频率极高,现将多线程技术应用在同属Unix体系的Linux操作环境中,使用多线程能够加快程序执行效率,减少等待时间,提高工作效率。 Find;多线程;Linux操作系统;Unix操作系统 Design And Implementation of Multi-thread Find In Linux Environment In the traditional Unix operating system, find is used to search files and directories for a long time. With the find we can achieve a variety of conditional query, such as the file name, the file permission, the file size and so on. In daily use and management of the Unix, find plays an important role, especially in the terminal, we usually use find to search files and directories under specific conditions, collocating with other shell commands we can complete many tedium file management tasks. However, in the tradition Unix, find uses single thread to deal with the files or directories, when comes to the directory which has too many files, it could cause the user to be waiting for a long time. Mac OS 9 took the lead in using the multi-thread technology to enhance the find, as a result, find has much more speed of searching files and directories. Linux is famous for its high efficiency and high flexibility. Linux implements all of the Unix features in a personal computer with multiple users and tasks support. As the open source software is getting more and more important in the high-end server operating system field all over the world, Linux server operating system is getting more and more market shares. On the current situation, Linux is irreplaceable in the server market field, because of the high frequency of using find. Now, we apply the multi-thread techn


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