
基于Linux 下Shell设计与实现毕业论文.docx

基于Linux 下Shell设计与实现毕业论文.docx

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PAGE PAGE i Shell设计与实现 摘 要 Shell的开发与使用是linux操作系统日渐普及的产物。而对于微型linux shell的研究是linux研究的重点。利用微型的shell,不仅可以让用户更容易操作linux,也可以帮助用户理解linux工作原理,同时保护内核的安全性。本文对shell的研究包括对其功能的了解,并实现对shell的列表、管道、输入重定向、输出重定向等命令功能,可以比较全面地认识shell解释器,编写出可以实现的各种功能的具体代码,这样来编写一个简易的linux shell解释器。在本文中所编写的shell是专门用于嵌入式设备的,在此类设备中,往往存储量小,功耗较低,但是对要求很苛刻,所以有一定的难度。 本文的主要内容现先是介绍了一下shell的发展历史、特点和应用前景,紧接着解释shell与嵌入式的关系,大致了解一下linux与安卓在嵌入式开发中的地位。还罗列了shell的开发技术与unix系统编程。最终详细设计了shell的工作原理,并且附上了相关源代码,使得读者有一个大致了解。本系统全程采用C语言与unix系统高级编程开发,由本人独立完成。 本系统对嵌入式开发人员操作linux系统内核与文件系统有较大帮助。 关键词:Shell;程序;设计与实现;嵌入式 PAGE PAGE ii Design and development of linux shell system Abstract Accompanied by the popularize of the linux, more and more people are doing deeply study in it. The study of the shell in linux is the most important thing when study the linux. And how to study? It mainly includes the understand of some knowledge and function of the micro linux shell. Through the study of the orders in shell like list, pipe, input redirect and output redirect, readers can have a thorough sense about the shell and learn to use these orders accurately in shell which play an important role in programming later. Code accurately and achieve ?a simple shell with the functions above after analyzing the details of every functions module. Moreover, in the embedded field, the hardware resources are limited, but demand is unlimited. This means they have to use limited resources to accomplish a variety of needs, and embedded design and programming in the traditional PC, is very different, and it often requires only a small part of a large program on meet its needs, so we had to cut out a number of use less programs in exchange for space. In the embedded field, as the traditional K shell, C shell, Bourne Shell and other large-scale shell program will make our hardware resources are stretched. So we need a more suitable for embedded systems used in the shell, this is my another objective of this design. Keywords: Shell; Process; De


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