Unit 2 Arnwick was a city with 200000 people.词汇句型专项课件(共13张PPT).ppt

Unit 2 Arnwick was a city with 200000 people.词汇句型专项课件(共13张PPT).ppt

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Module9 Unit2 词汇句型专项课件 初中英语外研版八年级上册 a quiet village close to move to not any more close down have to pay for in fact 一个安静的村庄 靠近 搬到…… 不再 关闭 不得不 付款 事实上 Words and expressions 1.They needed places to live. 他们需要住的地方。 动词不定式to live作定语,修饰名词places。 2.It was expensive to live in the city centre. 住在市中心很昂贵。 it作形式主语,真正的主语为动词不定式to live in the city centre。 3. The population of China is about 1.37 million.中国的人口大约为1.37亿。 Billion的意思是“十亿”。中文常用的数字有:个、十、百、千、万。亿。请同学们注意,英语常用的数字单位与中文有所不同,为:hundred (百)、thousand (千)、million (百万)、billion (十亿)。 4. Hang on a minute! I will write that down too! 等等,我要把这点也记下来! hang on 这个动词短语常用来表示“让某人等一下。” 例如: e.g. Sally’s on the other phone-would you like to hang on? 萨莉在接另一个电话,请你稍等一下可以吗? hang on! I’ll be back in a minute. 稍等!我马上就回来。 5. The small local school in Parkville closed down five years ago, so Jo now has to go to a school in Arnwick with 2000 pupils. 帕科威尔当地的小学校在五年前关闭了,所以乔现在得去阿恩威克的一个有2000名学生的学校上学。 colse down 的意思是“关闭,(永久性地)停工”。 例如: The company closed down its overseas office last year. 那家公司去年关闭了其海外的办事处。 6. ..., so the government built flats outside the centre. flats 表示“公寓,套房” house 表示“房子” 7. It’s clear that Arnwick needs more schools, buses and hospitals. It’s clear that … 表示“很清楚……”。 e.g. It’s clear that we need to work hard before the coming final exam. 很明显,我们要在即将到来的期末 考试前努力学习。 8. The small local school in Parkville closed down five years ago. local adj. 当地的 close down 表示“(永久性地)停工,关闭”。 e.g. The company closed down last year. 去年那家公司关闭。 9. There is a lot of traffic and pollution. pollution n. 污染 pollute v. 污染 e.g. Noise pollution is more serious in the city. 噪音污染是城市中更为严重的问题。 1. 北京的人口是多少? What’s _____ ___________ _____ Beijing? 2. 到学校要花费周一个小时的时间,这增加了车流量和污染。 It _____ Jo an hour _____ _____ _____ school, and this _____ _____the traffic and pollution. the population of takes to get to adds to Exercises 3. 管理一个大城市,保护人们不受


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