Unit 1 Whats the matter_语法选择新题型专练(word版,含答案).docx

Unit 1 Whats the matter_语法选择新题型专练(word版,含答案).docx

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Unit1 语法选择专练 (一) 体裁 词数 难度 建议完成时间 实际完成时间 正确率 记叙文 203 words ★★★☆☆ 6 min ______ min ______/10 August 18, 2018 was an important day to Xie Dan, a young nurse from Wafangdian, Liaoning, China. Like 1 other couples in China, Xie and her husband got married①on that day. But there was more than that. That morning, the young couple was in their car 2 an accident happened near them. Xie saw an old woman get 3 . She didnt think much before she jumped out of the car and ran 4 the old woman. People around them were 5 to see Xie in her wedding dress doing CPR② on the old woman who was in danger. Some of then took photos of the beautiful bride(新娘) 6 their mobile phones. After the doctors arrived, Xie left quickly. The old woman was sent to a hospital nearby. Although she died because she was hurt badly, Xies warm action 7 _ lots of peoples hearts. Soon, more people know the story of Xie. Some called her the prettiest bride and some said, She has a beautiful face and 8 even more beautiful heart. However, Xie didnt think that she did 9 special. She said ”Im a nurse. I just did what I 10 do. ( )1. A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of ( )2. A. why B. when C. how D. what ( )3. A. hurt B. hurting C. hurted D. hurts ( )4. A. save B. saved C. to save D. saving ( )5. A. surprise B. surprising C. surprisingly D. surprised ( )6. A. by B. in C. on D. with ( )7. A. touch B. was touching C. touches D. touched ( )8. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )9. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing ( )10. A. must B. need C. should D. may ●难点释疑 ①get married 结婚。 ②CPR是 CARDIOPULMONARY RESUSCITATTON的缩写, 意为“心肺复苏”。 (二) Jack was a rich young man. One day, he was driving his shining new BMW ear very happily down a street. Suddenly from his car came a terrible sound. He felt 1 so he stopped his car and locked around. He saw a child


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