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;Pre-reading;Pre-reading;Text B: Pre-reading; 1. It’s really distracting, but if you offer to help she gets defensive. A. difficult to concentrate B. difficult to attract C. easy to concentrate D. easy to attract 2. She walks into the room and infects the place in five minutes flat. A. in a direct way B. smooth and even C. lacking interest D. having a level surface ;3. A study out last week seems to support this theory — claiming stress can be as contagious as the common cold and you can actually ‘catch’ other people’s anxieties. A. vulnerable B. infectious C. sensible D. sensitive 4. So if you are sitting next to a moaning colleague who goes into meltdown about the slightest thing, or spends the day whining, it could leave you with more than a bent ear — it could give you ‘second-hand stress’. A. a complaining colleague B. an exciting colleague C. an interesting colleague D. a capable colleague; 5. Just as we can build up our immunity to colds and flu, so we can build up our resistance to stress. A. personality B. determination C. resistance D. prevention;Realize?that?not?all?movement?is?progress.?When?stress?and?tension?and?chaos?surround?you,?pause?for?a?moment?and? relax.?The?best?time?to?take?a?deep?breath?is?when?you?don’t?have?time?for?it.? 不是所有动向都是进步。当遇到压力、紧张和混乱时, 应先停下来放松。越是焦头烂额,越该深呼吸。 we are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. ——Oscar Wilde 我们都生活在阴沟,但仍有些人仰望星空。 —奥斯卡王尔德 Thrive in calamity and perish in soft living. 生于忧患死于安乐;While-reading:Text ;While-reading:Text;While-reading:Text;While-reading:Text;While-reading:Text;While-reading:Text;While-reading:Text;While-reading:Text;While-reading:Text;While-reading:Text; 压力会传染吗? 1 六个月前,茱莉一直很喜爱她的工作。她在这家公司已经工作了三年,她与同事相处愉快,而且在人力资源部的忙碌工作和挑战中快速成长。有一天来了位新的经理——一切都变了。 2 “起初,她看起



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