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? ?对产品有什么建 报价后好几天没回复。可以询问是否收到,收到了对价格有什么看法 Sample one: Dear xx Sorry to trobule you. Several days no n ews from you have you got my en quiry for xxxx ? Fully un dersta nd t hat you are too busy to reply us.But we are still await for your comme nts.We n eed your feedback to go ahead. Thank you in adva nee. Many tha nks and best regards. xxx sample 1发岀去后如果客户还没回复就这样跟进。 因为报价单里面有对价格限制有效期所以 可以以此跟踪 Sample two: Dear xxxx Hope everyth ing goes well ! We are in receipt of your in quiry dated on xxx and quote you as follow: XXXXXXX . pls ki ndly cheek whether price is workable ? Beeasue price will be in valid on xxxx. Wish we will promote bus in ess. Best regards. xxxxx 如果碰到节假日也可以跟踪下。 sample 3 fun ctio n( ){$(.ad-hidde n).hide();}.wk_ad_begi n({pid : 21});wk_ad_after(21, fun ctio n( ){$(.ad-hidde n).hide();}. fun ctio n() {$(.ad-hidde n).show();}); Dear XXXX Sorry for re-troubli ng you. pls find my pervious email below.Could you kindly check by return today ?Because we wil l on holiday from xx to xx and my email access may be limited. Thank you in adva nee. B set regards. XXXX 如果客户遇到客户国家节日也可以借此恭维一番。加深映像。 Sample 4 Dear xxxx Happy xxx and we wish you, your family, compa ny enjoy your holidays. As for xxx, if you n eed any in fo,pls con tact me at any time. We will try our best to sati sfied with your requireme nts. May god bless you and have a nice day. xxxxxx 然后就是交货期,稍微的给他一点压力,催促他尽快下单。 Dear xxx Hope you everythi ng goes well. I sent you the quotation for xx in last email and the delivery time is xx days .could you pls kin dly check and con firm the order soon. We n eed ple nt of time to arra nge mass prod ucti on and keep the shipme nt on time. Many tha nks and best regards. xxxx 时不时的问下是否有新的询盘或者订单 Sample 6 Dear xx I hope you are doing good. you our updated pDear xxx Good morning !优 势market if possiHave you got any new orders ? pls keep me posted if yes, i will send you our updated p Dear xxx Good morning ! 优 势 market if possi 新产品上市是你大展拳脚的时候了,用的好很厉害的哦。 It is glad to inform you t


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