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PAGE 1 高考英语词条汇总 (一) receive no reply 石沉大海 provide sb. with shelter from the rain and sunlight 遮光挡雨 be in absence 缺少 make an appearance 露面 in response to the needs of 为了满足...的需要 coupled with 加之... be immersed buried in mechanical training 埋头题海 rob/deprive sb. of the joy of 剥夺了...的快乐 get vaccinated 接种疫苗 top court 最高法院 take aim at 瞄准 a blow to sb. 对某人的打击 fire a warning shot over 鸣枪示警 excessive/extended working hours 过度/延长工作时间 sweeping regulatory crackdown 全面监管镇压 jointly issue sth. 共同发布…… in labour disputes 在劳资纠纷中 strengthening of labour rights 加强劳工权利 gruelling conditions 艰苦的条件下 An anti-996 campaign, 一项反996运动 tech sector 科技行业 longer-term reform priorities 长期改革重点 combate inequality 与不平等斗争 social division 社会分工 legal guidelines 法律指南 initial public offering 首次公开发行 a one-off campaign 一次性的活动 growth and profitability 增长和盈利 gig-economy workers 打零工的人 enforce higher standards for 执行更高的标准 royal family 皇室家族 have very constructive discussions on 有非常建设性的讨论 be entirely supportive of 完全支持 called for a face-to-face meeting with 要求与...进行面对面的会谈 keep sb. in the darkness 瞒着某人 intense news coverage 密集的新闻报道 split ones time between A and B 把时间分给A和B describe ... as 描述……为 a natural fit with 天生的一对 without consultation with 在没有咨询...情况下 slim down its operations 精简业务 startup capital 启动资金 acting career 演艺事业 particularly after 尤其是在 depict a fictionalized version of 描述…虚构版本的 escalate their scrutiny 升级他们的审查 a string of crashes 一连串的崩溃 live up to its name 不辜负它的名字 refund ones money 退钱 accusing sb. of fraud 指控某人欺诈 autonomous vehicles 自动驾驶车辆 speed down the road 在路上加速 be already equipped with 已经具备 ... notable limits 明显的限制 struggle to completely understand 很难完全理解 propose a theory that ... 提出一个理论… natural surroundings 自然环境 express a clear preference for ... 表达对…的明显偏好 nature deficit disorder 自然缺失症 largely due to ... 很大程度上是因为… seem inclined to do ... 似乎倾向于做… expose the benefit 揭露好处 cognitive functioning 认知功能 build confidence and promote creativity 建立信心,促进创造力 for good 永久 in reality 在现实中 set aside 拨出,腾出 take on 承


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