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对ST达尔曼内部审计的思考 文档信息 : 文档作为关于“经济、贸易或财会”中“稽查与征管或审计”的参考范文,为解决如何写好实用应用文、正确编写文案格式、内容素材摘取等相关工作提供支持。正文23836字,doc格式,可编辑。质优实惠,欢迎下载! 目录 TOC \o 1-9 \h \z \u 目录 1 正文 2 文1:对ST达尔曼内部审计的思考 2 1、序言 5 2、文献回顾 6 3、 内部审计的定义、职能及重要性 7 (1)内部审计的定义 8 文2:对ST达尔曼内部审计的思考 8 一、序言 10 二、文献回顾 12 三、 内部审计的定义、职能及重要性 13 (一)内部审计的定义 14 (二)内部审计的职能 14 1.监督职能。 14 2.评价职能。 15 3.防范职能。 15 (三)、内部审计的重要性 15 四、对达尔曼内部审计的分析 17 五、对于达尔曼内部审计的思考 22 六、 结束语 25 [5] 《美国通用电气公司内部审计简介》无忧会计网 26 参考文摘引言: 27 原创性声明(模板) 28 文章致谢(模板) 28 正文 对ST达尔曼内部审计的思考 文1:对ST达尔曼内部审计的思考 Thoughts on the Internal Auditing Problems of Da Er Man Abstract With the tremendous development of international capital market and ititute investo in recent yea, Corporate Governance becomes a world wide hot topic, particularly after a serious event of financial fraud happened all around the world like Enron, World com. As a result, most countries are coidering how to build up a sound structure for Corporate Governance. Internal audit is frequently mentioned when it comes to the establishment and continuing improvement of Corporate Governance. As a typical case, Sarbanes Oxley Act was published by the USA government, which greatly emphasizes the important role that internal audit can play in the Corporate Governance. Da Er Man used to be a very successful company, then it failed. In fact, some problems can be solved by internal auditing. why internal audit has such an important role, what internal audit can do and which position the internal audit function should stay in the Corporate Governance is not clearly undetood by people. Coequently, this article conducts a detail analysis on above questio and come up with some new ideas about the development of internal auditing . This article comprises three parts. The fit one is an introduction and talking about the definition of internal auditing ,at the same time we talk about the function and the importance of internal auditing. The second one states the


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