CSI: NY《犯罪现场调查:纽约(2004)》第九季第七集完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

CSI: NY《犯罪现场调查:纽约(2004)》第九季第七集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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好了 把她放下来吧 Okay, bring her down. 放她下来 Bring her down. 死者名叫艾伦·怀特 19岁 Our vic is Ellen White, 19 years old. 来自堪萨斯州 She was originally from Kansas. 在本地没有亲人 Has no family locally to speak of. 她的同学艾莉西亚·霍德曼 Her classmate, Alexa Holdman, 在练习转圈的时候发现了她 discovered her when she was practicing one of those twirly things. 单脚尖旋转 A pirouette? 正如我所说的 转圈 Like I said, a twirly thing. 知道她是怎么被吊上去的吗 Any idea how she got up there? 看样子凶手使用了剧院的滑轮系统 Looks like the killer used the theaters pulley system. 艾莉西亚·霍德曼刚发现自己的朋友被杀 Alexa Holdman seems pretty together 她表现得过于镇静了吧 for someone who just found her friend murdered. 她们算不上朋友 They werent friends. 艾伦是艾莉西亚的替角 Ellen was Alexas understudy, 她们的交情仅限于此 and that was the extent of their relationship. 点状出血 Petechial hemorrhaging. 很可能是窒息而亡 C.O.D.s most likely asphyxiation. 这不明摆着吗 You needed an exam for that? 她可是被绳子吊起来的 She was hung up by a rope. 我们不确定她是上吊而死的 Were not sure the rope killed her. 带状痕迹还有瘀伤 A ligature mark and bruising. 未呈现瘀斑 No ecchymosis present. 很可能是死后造成的 Most likely made postmortem. 这块瘀伤更符合窒息死亡的说法 This bruising is more consistent with being choked to death. 出现了变色和肿胀 Discoloration and swelling 说明是死前造成的 indicates it was made antemortem. 虽说我不擅长你们实验室那一套 All right, I may not be the owner of a wonderful white lab coat, 但就像你之前所说 but it sounds to me like youre saying 我认为她是被勒死之后又被吊起来的 somebody strangled her, then strung her up. 为何要把一具死尸吊起来 Why hang somebody whos already dead? 犯罪现场调查 纽约篇 第九季第七集 我想不通 麦克 I dont know, Mac. 艾莉西亚·霍德曼发现她颇具才华的替角死亡 Alexa Holdman finds her talented understudy dead, 看样子却一点都不难过 doesnt seem the least bit upset about it. 我知道这很俗套 I know its a cliche, 但经常会有替角摇身变明星 but understudies do go on to become stars, 艾伦的表现可能过于扎眼 so maybe Ellens was shining 引起了艾莉西亚的不满 a bit too bright for Alexas liking. 丹尼确认过 尸体确实是用滑轮系统吊起来的 Danny confirmed the pulley system was used to hang the body, 这就连一个90磅的芭蕾舞演员也能做到 a task even a 90-pound ballerina could pull off. 这种说法很有意思 Thats an interesting theory. 但只有一个问题 Theres only one problem. 霍克说艾伦的死亡时间在晚六点左右


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