CSI: NY《犯罪现场调查:纽约(2004)》第九季第九集完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

CSI: NY《犯罪现场调查:纽约(2004)》第九季第九集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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行行好哥们 拜托你瞅准脚底别乱踩 Hey, come on, man, just watch where youre standing, please. 快过来坐 Hey, sit over here. 别那么大火气 好吗 Hey, chill out, all right? 你又踩到我了 You stepped on my foot again. 能不能别再踩我了 Please dont do that, all right? 对不起 冷静点好吗 Look, Im sorry. Would you just relax? 你这人到底什么毛病 What the hell is your problem, man? 你都踩了我三次了 You stepped on my foot, like, three times. 离我远点 Just get out of my face. 我可不想惹麻烦 I dont want any trouble. 你要是敢再踩我一脚 混hearts;蛋hearts; 你就死定了 Hey, if you do it again, jackass, youre a dead man. 随便吧 Yeah, whatever. 我警告过你 -是刹车太急 不是我的错 I warned you, man. - Dude, its the bus. Its not my fault. 纽约警hearts;察hearts; 把刀放下 NYPD. Drop the knife! 去死吧 Go to hell! 让开 Hey! Move! 按住别松手 Keep pressure on it. 你会没事的 叫救护车 Youll be okay. Call an ambulance. 起来 Get up. 这简直太变hearts;态hearts;了 Now thats just wrong. 我们都掌握了什么情况 What do we know? 不多 Not much. 这间仓库从七月开始就关闭了 Warehouse has been shut down since July. 巡警几小时前看到仓库门遭到破坏 Security patrol spotted a busted gate a couple hours ago 便报了警 and called it in. 某位可怜的巡警有幸见证了 Some poor uni had the unique experience 这一幕恐怖秀 of finding this horror show. 凶手根本没费心隐藏尸体 They made no attempt to conceal the body. 他早就知道尸体会被发现 Whoever did this knew it would be found. 要么是因为不在乎 Well, they either didnt care, 要么是为了传达一条令人作呕的信息 or they were sending a rather emptic message. 快来看他的纹身 Check out the prison ink. 死者跟黑帮有勾结 Our boy has gang ties. 41-6-12代表DPL 41-6-12 stands for D.P.L. 上帝 祖国 自hearts;由hearts;[西语] Dios, Patria, Libertad. 上帝 祖国 自hearts;由hearts; God, Fatherland, Liberty. 多米尼加的国训 The Dominican National Motto. 拉丁街头帮派最喜欢搞肢解了 Nobody loves a good dismemberment like the Latin street crews. 如果本案与黑帮有关 If this is gang-related, 这可能不只是单纯的谋杀 it may be more than murder. 还可能是宣战 It could be a declaration of war. 喂 喂 Hello? Hello? 谁打来的 Who was it? 不知道 对方挂断了 I dont know; we got cut off. 犯罪现场调查 纽约篇 第九季第九集 洛瓦托 Lovato! 马上到审讯室来 Interrogation room, now. 我通过死者的来电显示认出了你的号hearts;码 I recognized your number on the vics caller I.D. 我知道那通电hearts;话hearts;是你打的 I know it


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