CSI: NY《犯罪现场调查:纽约(2004)》第九季第六集完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

CSI: NY《犯罪现场调查:纽约(2004)》第九季第六集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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当心点 Yo, watch out! 等等 你耍我呢吧 Wait. Are you kidding me? 你不是说这是个跟公主有关的故事吗 I thought you said this story was about a princess, 怎么讲起一帮警hearts;察hearts;追坏蛋来了 Not some cops chasing some dude. 的确跟公主有关 我不过是在做铺垫 It is. Im just setting it up. 知道吗 Okay? See? 这叫做背景故事 Its called backstory. 那赶紧开始讲前景故事吧 Well, how about getting to the front story? 我... Well, I... 弗莱克警探在追坏蛋 Detective Flack is chasing the bad guy. 在哪儿 瑞雷克 -什么在哪儿 Where is it, Rennick? - Wheres what? 就是你杀死罗杰·迈瑞的那把枪 The gun you used to kill Roger Murray with. 谁 Who? 我翻过那辆卡车的时候把脚筋都给拉伤了 I pulled a hamstring scaling that truck over there. 现在惹我可没什么好下场 You dont want to mess with me right now. 放开我 -听我说 Hey, man, come on! - Listen to me. 现场有你的血样和指纹 We got your blood, we got your prints. 你躲得过初一 躲不过十五 Youre going away. The only question is for how long? 在池塘里 Its in the pond. 小龟池塘 Turtle Pond. 在码头附近 Near the dock. 咱们走 Lets go. 走 Lets go. 我发誓我扔到里面了 I swear, I threw it in there. 池塘里除了泥巴还是泥巴 Between the mud and the zero visibility, 我什么都没找到 I got nothing. 可能要多派几名潜水员 这个池塘面hearts;积hearts;不小 Might need more divers; its a big pond. 不能让瑞雷克这个杀人犯逍遥法外 Rennicks not getting away with murder. 把水抽干 Drain it. 把水抽干 Drain it? 把池塘的水抽干 Ugh. Drain the pond? 这得要多久啊 How long is this gonna take? 远不如指认罪犯花的时间长 Uh, well, not nearly as long as a lineup takes. 你妈妈起码要再过一个小时才能出来 Your moms gonna be... at least another hour, 而且没人急着过来给我录口供 And I dont see anybody rushing over here to take my report, 看来我们只能乖乖在这儿等了 so I think were stuck. 你既然是个警hearts;察hearts; If youre a cop, 那为什么不能向自己上报失车 why cant you report your stolen car to yourself? 因为我不是个警hearts;察hearts; Um, well, cause Im not a cop. 我只不过跟警hearts;察hearts;合作而已 No, I mean, I work with cops. 我的确会做警hearts;察hearts;该做的事情 Yeah, I do cop stuff, 但我是个犯罪现场调查员 but Im a... Im a crime scene investigator. 好吧 Okay, fine. 姑娘们 我给你们讲公主的故事 Girls, Ill tell you about the princess. 我们都进了小龟池塘 So were all in the Turtle Pond-- 在中hearts;央hearts;公园 You know, in Central Park-- 找那个坏蛋的枪 Looking for the bad guys gun. 大家分散开 Everybody spr



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