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人文英语3 -单元自测1 (10分) 一、选择填空,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 (每题10分) (难易度:中) —Ken did badly in his math test. Im terribly worried about the result. 单选题(10.0分)(难易度:中) I am so happy he is very healthy. Well, it is hard to see. Come on. It isn* t the end of the world. 正确答案:C 正确答案解释:解析:本题考核“表达别担心”情境下的交际用语。当第一说 话人表达对孩子的考试结果担心时,第二说话人可用Come on. It isnt the end of the world (振作起来,这不是世界末日)来回应,而A和B不是对这句话的 回应,所以选C。 ―ur son has picked up some bad habits recently, and I am really worried about it. ? 单选题(10.0分)(难易度:中) Yes, they have some bad habits. Cheer up. I believe he will overcome it. Well, he likes picking things up when he is out. 正确答案:B 正确答案解释:解析:本题考核“表达鼓励”情境下的交际用语。当第一说话 人对孩子有了坏习惯表达担心时,第二说话人应对此作出直接回应,而A谈的是他 们有一些坏习惯,C说的是他喜欢捡东西,只有B作出鼓励,所以选B。 It is said that 2000 factories were closed down during the economic crisis. 单选题(10.0分)(难易度:中) properly approximately considerably 正确答案:B 正确答案解释:译文:据说,在经济危机期间大约有2000家厂子关闭。 解析:properly意为“适当地”;approximately意为“大约”; considerably意为“相当地”:只有B项符合题意,所以选B。 I want to know . 单选题(10.0分)(难易度:中) what is his name that his name is what his name is 正确答案:C 正确答案解释:译文:我想知道他的名字叫什么。 解析:本题考査特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句的用法。此时,无论宾语从句的主 句是陈述句还是疑问句,也无论主从句间是什么引导词,宾语从句一律用陈述语序, 即“引导词+主语+谓语+其它,所以选C。 Tom won the first prize of oral English contest, which is beyond his . 单选题(10.0分)(难易度:中) reputation contribution expectation 正确答案:C 正确答案解释:译文:汤姆获得了英语口语赛一等奖,这超出了他的预期。 解析:reputation意为“名誉;声望;contribution意为“贡献”; beyond?expectation经常搭配使用,意为”超出……的预期”,所以选C。 二、阅读理解:正误判断(每题10分) Stopping Yelling At Your KidsParenting is hard. If youre a parent, I* m sure that I dont need to tell you that our job is a tough one. When youre managing children, it can be difficult to remember that they are still learning. If you find you are yelling at your kids more often than you want to, here are some ways that can help you reduce the yelling. I* ve been working on this for the past few months and I have to say, it* s been amazing for both the kids and me. If you are having an argument with your chi Id, you need to


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