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* 当前人力资源管理的经济环境 宏观调整和改革 人均GDP 1000美元 买方市场 加入WTO 多种所有制并存 以知识为基础的经济 * 当前人力资源管理的政治环境 政企关系仍然不够清晰 党管干部与董事会任命管理者 企业的社会责任 * 当前人力资源管理的法律环境 户籍制度 劳动法执行 公司法及相关法规 档案制度 劳动保险(工龄) 失业保险 * 学者的发现 A company initially having problems with its profits, costs, or share price, takes quick action to raise profits and lower costs. Since employee costs are typically the most quickly and easily changed, the following actions are common: training is curtailed; pay may be frozen or cut; promotions are held up; the use of part-time or temporary help increases; and people are laid off or forced to work reduced hours. These measures logically and inevitably reduce motivation, satisfaction, and loyalty to the company. Pfeffer and Veiga, Putting people first for organizational success 你读到了吗? * 学者的发现 Substantial gains, on the order of 40 percent, can be obtained by implementing high performance management practices. ------Pfeffer. The Human Equation: Building Profits by Putting Perple First, HBSP, 1998 你读到了吗? * 学者的发现 人力资源管理超过平均水平1个标准差的企业,其绩效超过平均水平5个标准差。 ----Huselid, 1994, Documenting HRs effect on Company Performance, HR Magazine, January,79-85 * 学者的发现 具有健全人力资源管理实践的组织,与那些具有较不健全实践的组织相比,年利润、利润增长和总体绩效的水平都比较高。 ---- Terpstra,D.E, and Rozelle,E.J., 1993. The Relationship of staffing practices to organizational level measures of performance, Personnel Psychology, 46(1),27-48 * 为什么? A one-in-eight chance. One-half of organizations won’t believe the connection between HRM and profitability. One-half of those understanding will not do improving deeds. One-half of those having made comprehensive changes will persist. 你读到了吗? * 答案—— 人力资源管理! * 答案—— The key to managing people in ways that lead to profits, productivity, innovation, and real organizational learning ultimately lies in the manager’s perspective. 你读到了吗? 本课程学习目的、内容和方法 * 本课程学习目的 认识、理解企业人力资源管理在企业管理中的重要地位,熟悉知道企业中如何进行人力资源的管理,了解当前国内外人力资源管理的最新动态,掌握人力资源管理的基础理论、知识与方法,为全面掌握企业管理的理论、实践与方法打下良好的基础。 * 本课程主要内容 人力资源管理有关理论 工作分析 人力资源计划 招聘与甄选 培训 绩


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