Unit 2 第1课时 词汇部分八年级英语下册同步课件(牛津上海版).ppt

Unit 2 第1课时 词汇部分八年级英语下册同步课件(牛津上海版).ppt

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10. view n. 景色,风景 e.g. I have a very good view from the tower. 我从塔上望出去,景色非常好。 The house has a view over the sea. 这房子面向大海,视野开阔。 We came in view of the lake as we turned the corner. 我们转过弯就能看见那个湖了。 11. speed v. 加速,加快 e.g. The ambulance sped to the hospital. 救护车快速开往医院。 He was arrested for speeding. 他因超速行车而被捕。 指点迷津: speed, hurry (1) speed指快速的运动或行动。 e.g. The train sped through the countryside. 火车从乡间飞驰而过。 Postal workers laboured overtime to speed delivery of the Christmas mail. 邮电工人加班加点以加快圣诞节期间信件的发送。 (2) hurry意指比通常快得多的速度,经常伴随着混乱或骚动。 e.g. If you dont hurry, youll miss the plane. 如果你不迅速些,你将会错过班机了。 Dont let anyone hurry you into making a decision youll regret later. 不要在任何人的催促下作出你以后会为之后悔的决定。 12. relax v. 放松,休息 e.g. I relaxed there for a few days. 我在那个地方休息了几天。 13. treatment n. 对待,处理 e. g. His treatment of the animal was cruel.他对待这只动物很残忍。 The doctors treatment cured him. 医生的治疗使他的病痊愈了。 14. works n. 工厂 e. g. The steel works is closing down. 那家钢铁厂要关闭了。 There has been an accident at the works. 那家工厂出了一次事故。 15. thorough adj. 彻底的,完全的 e. g. They made a thorough search for the lost ring, but didnt find it. 他们仔细地寻找过那枚丢失的戒指,可是没有找到。 【知识拓展】 thoroughly adv. 十分地,彻底地 e. g. The work had not been done very thoroughly. 这个工作做得不太彻底。 16. sewage n. 污水,污物 e. g. chemical treatment of sewage对下水道污物的化学处理 If we love Shanghai, we must stop dumping sewage into the water. 如果我们热爱上海,我们必须停止往水里倒污水(物)。 17. plant n. 工厂,车间 e.g. When the plant closed down, many factory workers lost their jobs. 工厂关门了,很多工人失业了。 【知识拓展】 plant n. 植物 e. g. Trees and vegetables are plants. 树和蔬菜是植物。 18. pump v. 用泵输送 e. g. The villagers had pumped the well dry and could get no more water. 村民们已把井水抽干了,再也抽不出水来了。 He pumped up his tyres. 他给车胎打足了气。 【知识拓展】 pump n. 泵;水泵 e.g. in flat tyres with a pump用气泵给轮胎充气 19. precious adj. 宝贵的,贵重的 e. g. Nothing is more precious than friendship. 没有什么比友情更宝贵的了。 She talks about nothing exce


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