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Complete the sentences with words from the box, change the form if necessary .1.A group of Trade ____ leaders met to discuss questions about job safety.2.The official name of our country is the People’s ______ of China.3.In general, the ____ classes do not have a clear idea of the lives of common people.4. Our class ________ of twenty –five boys and thirty-two girls.5.If you think you can pass the maths exam easily without any hard work, then you are completely ________ .6.The street is too _______ . It does not allow cars from opposite directions to pass.7. Because of her teacher’s _______ , she chose to study English at university .8. Don’t judge a person only on the _______ of first impressions.narrow consist mistaken influence basis upper union republicUnionRepublicupperconsistsmistakennarrowinfluencebasisLanguage study第一页,共二十三页。 Tell the function of the following sentences. a.subject b. object c. predicative d. appositive1.The idea that England stands for Fish Chips,Speakers’ Corner ,Big Ben and the Tower of London is past.2.The fact that Great Britain is made up of three countries is still unknown to many.3.The result of so much French influence was that the English language ended up with many French words such as table, animal and age.4.Some people feel that Wales is an ancient fairy land.5.That most of these are now threatened and may disappear is a serious matter to the people in Britain.6.They realize that it is of great value to record and teach them to the younger generation.appositiveappositivepredicativeobjectsubjectobject第二页,共二十三页。 名词性从句Noun Clauses第三页,共二十三页。 宾语从句的语序问题同位语从句与定语从句的区别巩固 练习种类名 词 性 从 句第四页,共二十三页。 第五页,共二十三页。 主语从句在复合句中作主句的主语.引导词有连词that (that 不可省),whether; 代词有who, what ,which;副词 when ,where, how, why 等.如:1.That he is a famous singer is known to us.(It is known to us that he is a famous singer.)2.When he will go to America is not yet fixed.(It is not yet fixed when he will go to America.)第六页,共二十三页


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