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蔡昌卓-新思路大学英语基础教程第一册(第二版)unit 3.pdf

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新思路大学英语基础教程第一册 多媒体课件 2022 Majors and Courses in College Unit 3 Majors and Courses in College Unit3 Majors and Courses in College MMMaaajjjooorrrsss aaannnddd CCCooouuurrrssseeesss iiinnn CCCooolllllleeegggeee UUnniitt33 MMaajjoorrss aanndd CCoouurrsseess iinn CCoolllleeggee UUnniitt33 MMaajjoorrss aanndd CCoouurrsseess iinn CCoolllleeggee 有朋 自远方来,不亦乐乎? ——孔子 (公元前551年—公元前479年,中国古代伟大的 思想家、政治家、教育家,儒家学派创始人) Is not it a pleasure to meet friends coming from afar ? ——Confucius (551 BC-479 BC, a great thinker, politician, educator, and founder of the Confucianism in ancient China ) A friend in need is a friend indeed. —— Aesop (620 BC-560 BC, a famous philosopher and writer in ancient Greece) 患难见真情。 ——伊索 (约前620年—前560年,古希腊著名的哲学家、 文学家) Majors and Courses in College Unit3 Learning objectives 1 grasp vocabularies about friendship and talk about making friends in college. 2 master the pronunciation of the phonetic symbols: /ʌ/ /ɑ:/ /ɔ/ /ɔ:/ /u/ /u:/ /s/ /z/ /ʃ/ /ʒ/ /r/ /h/ /l/. 3 learn the plural forms of nouns and “there be” pattern. 4 write short paragraphs according to the information given in Chinese. 5 understand the importance of friendship in life. Unit3 Majors and Courses in College Describe the picture according to the tips given in the brackets. • 1. Where did you make your first friend? (in my nursery/primary/j unior middle school…) • 2. What is your best friend like? (appearance, interest, personality …) • 3. What kind



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